What is the state of HDR on x86 Linux?
Hello, as per the title, Is HDR on x86 Linux planned, or working in v21?

To clarify, I don't mean tone mapping, but playing HDR as it's supposed to be played. Like an Apple TV device or the various streaming apps that come with smart TVs.

LibreELEC has working HDR playback on x86, according to a moderator's edit in the very first post in this thread: https://forum.libreelec.tv/thread/25185-...-hardware/

Does this mean Kodi supports it too?
HDR is already supported in kodi v20 if you use GBM
(2023-12-11, 23:33)Jusic Wrote: HDR is already supported in kodi v20 if you use GBM

I don't know if that is true, based on various comments these threads:

I have working HDR with Kodi 21 on Win 10 using a GT1030.
Gave up on getting HDR to work on LE and Ubuntu after several attempts.
First link is about Ubuntu Desktop so Wayland and not GBM. Second link is about Ubuntu XOrg and not GBM.


(2023-12-15, 16:31)Jusic Wrote: First link is about Ubuntu Desktop so Wayland and not GBM. Second link is about Ubuntu XOrg and not GBM.
I don't know about that, both threads seem to come to the same (platform-agnostic) conclusion that any HDR on x86 platforms is not real HDR.

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What is the state of HDR on x86 Linux?0