Widget recently added shows also watched episodes
They started changing things in Kodi relating to images around Leia 18, I don't normally use that widget so I didn't notice.
But for whatever reason, the smart playlist showing episodes doesn't have the image "poster" available to the skin when using that list.
Someone in the dev team just decided that poster would be empty in the listitem variables available. It sounds like it used to return poster and others, now it doesn't do poster. I can tell you that it does have fanart available though from when I was testing.
It's more likely that instead of removing anything they just clarified that it would be accessible from tvshow.poster instead of just poster.
It's also possible that the original widget relied on a internal node that they just changed (in that it's now mixed media and not hiding watched). I don't use the widget, so I didn't notice when.
But like I said it's been so long that now the default is likely viewed as thumbnail.
It can be added back to be the way it once was, it will just require a change, and my concern is that more people will feel the opposite and ask for the thumbnail.
I'm down to make it a setting (so all camps would be happy), but I don't write this skin alone or in a vacuum (that's a good thing, I have no art skills whatsoever), so it will have to be a consensus that the extra code needed for the option is warranted. 
I checked Estuary, it shows the thumbnail for the Smart Playlist too.
We rely on the users to let us know when the parts they use that we may not don't work right, then we can know to fix them, or at least try.
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
Heureka, it is working!!! Laugh


Is there an easy way to automatically set the focus on the new added episode at the top instead of the last newest episode from yesterday? That is only a minor cosmetic issue and I guess after restarting Kodi the focus will be set on the top entry anyway.

Oh just a fun fact: With your smart playlist in place the changes in the widget after marking an episode as watched is almost immediately instead of taking some time as it used to with the original widget. So a further improvement.

Thank you again for all your patience and help!

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Widget recently added shows also watched episodes0