Linux Playback issue
I have just did a fresh install of Manjaro on my mini PC. I installed Kodi and configured my interface to my liking.
Now I realise that playback doesn't work when I launch a TV show or a film. Playback starts for less than 10 seconds and the image freezes, then nothing happens, no error message, no crash. I'm used to using a NAS, so to put it to the test I copied a file locally that I can play with VLC without any problem, but not with Kodi, which freezes after a few seconds.
I had been using Libreelec for several months with this mini PC without any problem but I wanted to install a "real" system. I don't think my hardware is to blame?
(2024-02-21, 23:09)yoyoda Wrote: Manjaro
(2024-02-21, 23:09)yoyoda Wrote: Libreelec for several months with this mini PC without any problem but I wanted to install a "real" system.

libreelec is preconfigured for you, when you use  your own setup you have to do the configuring
i can only guess but you probably aren't using hardware acceleration, pressing O on the keyboard during playback will inform you what you are using, software or hardware
since i don't use manjaro i couldn't tell you what to set up for that
and you didn't enable DEBUG in your log see Debug Log for instructions
Hi yoyoda,
i'm not a coder or linux-pro, but to me your log looks like you have problems with your audio setup.
If i'd be on your site, i would get rid of pulseaudio in your manjaro and look if something changes. I made the experience, that pulseaudio and kodi do not really like each other.
You are right when I press "o" I see hardware decoding disabled (I can't find how to enable it the only way I found in Kodi => settings => players everything is enabled)
Enable LOG just put me info on screen CPU/MEM/FPS
I've been using different versions of Linux for years and I never thought that a simple installation just to use Kodi would cause so many problems.
Pipewire is installed by default (I just had the pulseaudio plugin for xfce4 I try to removed it but no changes)
Well, then you ran into similar problems, that i had (have...).
You can try the upcoming version Kodi 21, which can handle pipewire.
If you do not like to install test-versions, you can try to start Kodi with "env KODI_AE_SINK=ALSA kodi". This should bypass pulseaudio and pipewire. Here on my side Kodi is not really stable with this, but at least running longer than a few seconds. Wink
Ok that seems to did the trick on SD movies and shows.
But one problem still there "no hardwarte decoding" then HD video playback is laguy.
Drivers seems to be intalled with VAAPI support but...
Did you install the package "i965-va-driver" for hardware decoding in linux?
After try and retry to uninstall and reinstall intel driver everything works perfectly (including hardware decoding, except in Netflix plug-in but there is no way to enable it due to DRM if I understand correctly).
The tweaked shortcut (to force Alsa) is a good solution while we wait for next version of Kodi
That was a very nice experience to post on this forum.
Thank you guys
Great community

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