Win7 Dharma Beta4 video not playing

I did a clean install of Win7 on my HTPC with a Nvidia GT220 graphic card. DirectX 11 got installed along.

I installed Dharma beta4 and everything works great until I start a video, xvid or mkv it doesn't matter. I just get a black screen but when you search you will get a still view of a frame in the video. When pressing pause and play the video will stutter for a bit before stopping again.

I tried beta3 and 9.11 too but it did not make a difference. VLC works fine for videoplayback.

I've used the exact same setup on an ubuntu based configuration with beta4 so I'm sure my hardware is working. I just don't know what in windows would be causing these problems.

Any ideas?

Download and run the latest DirectX installer from

Also note that XBMC can behave oddly if Windows decides there is no audio output device (i.e. speaker or headphones) attached. The symptoms are not unlike those you describe. My bet is on the DirectX installation though.

Thanks for the advice, audio device was the problem. I had the onboard audio disabled in BIOS because it simplified things in ubuntu and I'm using the audio over HDMI anyway. Enabling it, video plays fine in xbmc under windows.


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