XBMC load speed when booting from USB flash drive

Just wanted to share my recent findings and understand if they are correct, along with possible solution.

I recently created, using the XBMC Live CD, a bootable USB flash drive. The resulting build worked and functioned absolutely find but I did notice the boot times, from power on to XBMC Home screen, had increased to around two minutes. (My HDD install takes about 15 seconds..)

The USB flash drive I used is a Kingston DataTraveler (G2) 8GB (http://www.kingston.com/ukroot/flash/dtig2.asp) with advertised read speed of 10MB/s.

Would this 10MB/s read speed account for the long boot time I'm experiencing? And therefore is it simply a case of purchasing a faster USB flash drive, say the Ultimate 3.0 at 80MB/s (http://www.kingston.com/ukroot/flash/dtu30.asp), to improve things eight fold and get back to usual HDD performance!?!?

There is a bug with grub2 (the boot loader) which causes about a 30-60 second delay before actually starting to boot into XBMC (I did some searches online to find this info). Then depending on the speed of your USB drive it might well take a minute to load XBMC.

I tried dropping back to the original grub on my USB install, but that made everything non-bootable. I managed to go back to grub2 fortunately.

OpenELEC uses syslinux - I'm wondering if that might be a better option for XBMC Live.

I've just decided to live with it for now - my XBMC Live is set up to suspend and resume via remote so it very rarely needs rebooting.

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XBMC load speed when booting from USB flash drive0