Hulu Desktop Corrupted Video
Yea it runs smooth on my 9800GT. GUI is still very sluggish though. Video is smooth as hell though.
Nothing to see here....
Wow, that works pretty good. I wish they would work on the interface though.

I used:

xrandr --output default --mode 1280x960 && huludesktop
xrandr --output default --mode 1920x1200

and it plays smooth now.

Thanks for the help.
Yea that interface is laggy as hell. They don't update it. They just don't care. I guess not enough people use it.
Nothing to see here....
Seems a bit short-sighted. Streaming is the future and those that realize that are going to succeed as old business models fail. But, it's working for me for now until something better comes along. xbmc is freaking awesome to I can see that going somewhere for sure.

Anyway, have a good night, or day depending on where you are. Thanks for all the help.
Zepfan: Great tutorial on the .huludesktop and the launcher script. It works for me except it would be nice to get XBMC to return to fullscreen mode instead of windowed. Any way to alter the last command of the launcher script to accomplish this?

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