Skin helper addons
- script.skinvariables - Construct skin variables and perform other skin functions (107 Replies)
- - Access to TheMovieDb API for Skinners (1,362 Replies)
- WIP - [Windows] [Take over] Kodi - Updated Texture Tool (.xbt) (39 Replies)
- skin helper service (4,641 Replies)
- script.extendedinfo (2,310 Replies)
- - get TMDb data - the little ExtendedInfo brother (364 Replies)
- script.skinshortcuts (2,099 Replies)
- Image Resource selection script (75 Replies)
- Error with texture (0 Replies)
- [Windows] Kodi - Texture Tool (.xbt) (321 Replies)
- [Unity] [Embuary TMDB info] Add a button that open a pop window and launch a script. (0 Replies)
- script favourites (272 Replies)
- script.litebox (9 Replies)
- ListItem Helper (Lightweight. OMDb · TMDb · MDBList values & simple image blur) (5 Replies)
- Library Data Provider (157 Replies)
- script.embuary.helper - a skin helper service / widgets alternative (411 Replies)
- Skin XML Converter + Formatter (190 Replies)
- Background script with language (34 Replies)
- (83 Replies)
- script.playlist.helper (0 Replies)