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Video OSD Logo and Full Art

This Mod while fairly simple, gives you some really nice features. The main focus is on sprucing up the Video On Screen Display(OSD) by adding extra graphics to match the level of eye-candy that the rest of the beautiful skin offers. The Final result features "extra art" throughout the OSD, as well as opens up door for more and more mods in the future. I hope to help you to learn enough as to build the extra skills you would need to at least further customize what is here for your your own purposes.

Adding a logo in place of the title gives the player a more clever look. It shows the character of your current selection makes it that much more identifiable, while also adding colour and flair. Then on top of that, having a changeable FullscreenIcon gives you the chance to showcase what ever graphic you prefer on your OSD.

Please let it be known that Angelinas is the true brains behind this endeavour and I am using his code (with slight modifications) to make this and he is ultimately the author and in my opinion has all the rights to these mods. On top of that Marcosqui is the Master of all the code Of MQ 6 itself and as such, let him also be honored here!

Final Product

--Replaces Title in the Video OSD with clearlogo
--Replaces the FullScreenIcon with a selectable graphic
--Adds button selector for art in global top menu (or any top menu) for FullscreenIcon
--Adds variable for Value_Full_Art to switch between Disk Art, Banner, Clearart, and Clearlogo and Characterart for tvshows, can then be used elsewhere
--Retains default behavior as fallback for title incase no Logoclearart is present

There are 2 ways to install this mod at this time, Download files and replace stock or the manual installation each will be explained below
Easy Install
This install method is for users who do not want to muck about with config files and just wants the mods, BEWARE if any other mods have been used they may be removed or broken by this install method PLEASE BACKUP

Download Most Recent
Alternate versions available below

5 Easy Steps
2)Unzip the whole archive
3)Copy the 720p folder into your addons/skin.aeonmq6/
***Different OS's, store this info in different places,
    Operative system    File path
    Android             Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/skin.aeonmq6/ (see note)
    iOS                 /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi/addons/skin.aeonmq6/
    Linux               ~/.kodi/addons/skin.aeonmq6/
    Mac                 /Users/<your_user_name>/Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/skin.aeonmq6/
    OpenELEC            /storage/.kodi/addons/skin.aeonmq6/
    Windows             Start - type "%APPDATA%\kodi\addons\skin.aeonmq6\" - press <Enter>
4)Merge/Replace all files and folders when copying.
5)Start Kodi

Includes 2 sets of the following files, Modded in the 720p folder and stock in Original X.X.X 720p
DialogFullScreenInfo.xml DialogSeekBar.xml VideoOSD.xml IncludesTopMenu.xml IncludesVariables.xml

Everything should work, you will need to use the "FullscreenIcon" and "OSD TopArt" radio buttons in the top menu to change which graphic to use during first use.

To uninstall, either replace backups, or rename the included "Orignal X.X.X 720p" to 720p and repeat above directions with original files.

All features should be working!!
Manual Install
This installation method will teach you some of the easy basics of how to edit skin files, you can combine many mods with the knowledge found her and after some time create your own. This install method allows you to add to the files rather then simply replace them, as well as show you where each of the elements is so you can further customize them as you see fit.

First step: Backup
Locate your skin.aeonmq6 in addons, All of the files we will work with are in the 720p folder
***Different OS's, store this info in different places,
    Operative system    File path
    Android             Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/skin.aeonmq6/ (see note)
    iOS                 /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi/addons/skin.aeonmq6/
    Linux               ~/.kodi/addons/skin.aeonmq6/
    Mac                 /Users/<your_user_name>/Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/skin.aeonmq6/
    OpenELEC            /storage/.kodi/addons/skin.aeonmq6/
    Windows             Start - type "%APPDATA%\kodi\addons\skin.aeonmq6\" - press <Enter>

Locate and backup the following files (copy them to desktop or other safe location, or append .backup to the end of each filename)
DialogFullScreenInfo.xml DialogSeekBar.xml VideoOSD.xml IncludesTopMenu.xml IncludesVariables.xml

Each file has a distinct purpose.
DialogFullScreenInfo.xml Configures the widgets of the OSD Info screen, it comes up when you select to view info during playback
DialogSeekBar.xml Configures the widgets on the pause menu, The pause menu replicates the full screen info screen and comes up after being paused for a few seconds
VideoOSD.xml This is file that actually controls the OSD when the controls are on screen, this section only has the logo, not the FullScreeenIcon
IncludesVariables.xml This file holds all the variables for the skin, it allows new variables to be defined and makes skinning very versatile
IncudesTopMenu.xml This file configures all of the different parts of the top menu for all views

Step Two: Add TopArt
Files to be edited: DialogFullScreenInfo.xml DialogSeekBar.xml VideoOSD.xml
First we will replace the title with a selectable graphic that I will call TopArt. The title sits above the tagline and is a part of all three sections of the OSD. You can turn this on and off with the button on the top menu of any view called "Logo as Title (on Top if available)" and select which graphic is used with the OSD TopArt button we will create later.


[spoiler='Find and Replace']: (about 20 lines down, except VideoOSD.xml where its about 64 lines down)
<control type="label"><!-- Title -->
    <control type="label">

Replace the above section with the following:
<control type="grouplist"> <!--TopArt swap group -->
    <control type="image"><!-- TopLogo e Clearart -->
        <aspectratio aligny="center" align="left">keep</aspectratio>
        <texture background="true">$VAR[value_topart]</texture>
        <visible>Skin.HasSetting(clearlogotitle) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearlogo))</visible>
    <control type="label"><!-- Title If No logo -->
        <visible>![Skin.HasSetting(clearlogotitle) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearlogo))]</visible>
<control type="group">
    <control type="label"><!-- Tagline -->
        <visible>Skin.HasSetting(clearlogotitle) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearlogo))</visible>
    <control type="label"> <!-- tagline no Logo -->
        <visible>![Skin.HasSetting(clearlogotitle) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearlogo))]</visible>
Once complete you will have a graphic in place of the title. If there are is no logo then it falls back to the regular title.

*P.S. In the file VideoOSD.xml there is an additional </control> that you will need to make sure not to replace. (or if you finish and you don't on screen controls then go back and add at the end of what you added here.)

Step Three: Set up the code the FullscreenIcon
Files to be edited: DialogFullScreenInfo.xml DialogSeekBar.xml
We will make the FullScreenIcon on Info and Pause screens changeable. The FullscreenIcon can be between Diskart, Banner, Clearart, Logo and Characterart with the FullscreenIcon button we will add later.


Find this section below in both files:
    <control type="image"><!-- Logo e Clearart -->
    <aspectratio aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
    <texture background="true">$VAR[value_art]</texture>

and Replace it with this:
<control type="image"><!-- Logo e Clearart -->
    <aspectratio aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
    <texture background="true">$VAR[value_art_full]</texture>
For a perfect look, when editing DialogFullScreenInfo.xml add 35 to the <top> Value (makeing it <top>108</top>), for some reason it is different in each, but its not very visible)

P.S.You can any of these bigger or smaller the <width> and <height> lines and position with <left>(the pixels from left) and <top>(pixels from top) lines but if you edit this it changes for all types of art in that place and if you go to large the diskart or fanart can go over other thing pretty quick, these values are about as big as you can go without overlapping somewhere)

Step Four: Add the Variables
Files to be edited: IncludesVariables
First we will add two new variables, one that includes the options for the TopArt and the other for FullscreenIcon. We also add two more variables that has the human readable button options for the upcoming buttons.
If you search and find this following section in "IncludesVariables.xml" you can add in the new variable sections directly after this:
    <variable name="value_art">
    <value condition="!VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(clearlogo)]</value>
    <value condition="!VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(clearart)]</value>
    <value condition="VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo)]</value>
    <value condition="VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearart)]</value>

The first two variables:
<variable name="value_art_full">
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),logo) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(clearlogo)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),logo) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(clearart)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),logo) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),logo) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearart)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),clearart) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearart))">$INFO[Player.Art(clearlogo)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),clearart) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearart))">$INFO[Player.Art(clearart)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),clearart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearart))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),clearart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearart))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearart)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),discart) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(discart))">$INFO[Player.Art(discart)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),discart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.discart))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.discart)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),banner) + !VideoPlayer.Content(banner) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(banner))">$INFO[Player.Art(banner)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),banner) + !VideoPlayer.Content(banner) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.banner))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.banner)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),fanart) + !VideoPlayer.Content(fanart) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(fanart))">$INFO[Player.Art(fanart)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),fanart) + VideoPlayer.Content(fanart) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.fanart))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.fanart)]</value>    
<value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),characterart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.characterart))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.characterart)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),characterart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.characterart))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo)]</value>

<variable name="value_topart">
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),logo) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(clearlogo)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),logo) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(clearart)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),logo) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),logo) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearart)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),clearart) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearart))">$INFO[Player.Art(clearlogo)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),clearart) + !VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(clearart))">$INFO[Player.Art(clearart)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),clearart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearart))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearlogo)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),clearart) + VideoPlayer.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.clearart))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.clearart)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),banner) + !VideoPlayer.Content(banner) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(banner))">$INFO[Player.Art(banner)]</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),banner) + VideoPlayer.Content(banner) + !IsEmpty(Player.Art(tvshow.banner))">$INFO[Player.Art(tvshow.banner)]</value>
be aware that there are 2 variables here

The Button Values (added directly after)
<variable name="PLPlusIconLabelFullVar">
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),logo)">Logo</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),clearart)">Clearart</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),fanart)">Extrathumbs</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),banner)">Banner</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),discart)">Discart</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),characterart)">Characterart</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),noicon)">NoIcon</value>

<variable name="PLPlusIconLabelFullSeek">
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),logo)">Logo</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),clearart)">Clearart</value>
    <value condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),banner)">Banner</value>
Be aware there are 2 variables here
After these variables have been added you can save and move on

Step Five: Add the TopMenu Button
Files to be edited: IncludesTopMenu.xml
The final step adds the two button to allow the user to select graphics used for the TopArt and FullscreenIcon from the top menu screen in any view or globally.


IncludesTopMenu.xml contains every option of the topmenu in every view section of Kodi.
We can add the buttons anywhere throughout the top menu. We can add it to any of the four main sections, or have it appear only in certain views, but I believe its best added Globally with any video view. If you agree then you can add the following code anywhere under Video, then in the Global section. This section starts at line 1111 and you can choose where you want it in that list.

As a safe place I advise to add them below "Logo as Title (on Top if available)" at Line 1249.
<control type="button" id="92148">
    <label>OSD Top Art</label>
    <onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),banner) | IsEmpty(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek))">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon_seek,logo)</onclick>
    <onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),logo)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon_seek,clearart)</onclick>
    <onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon_seek),clearart)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon_seek,banner)</onclick>
<control type="button" id="92149">
    <label>FullScreen Icon</label>
    <onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),noicon) | IsEmpty(skin.string(fullscreen_icon))">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon,logo)</onclick>
    <onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),logo)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon,discart)</onclick>
    <onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),discart)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon,banner)</onclick>
    <onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),banner)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon,fanart)</onclick>
    <onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),fanart)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon,clearart)</onclick>
    <onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),clearart)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon,characterart)</onclick>
    <onclick condition="StringCompare(skin.string(fullscreen_icon),characterart)">Skin.SetString(fullscreen_icon,noicon)</onclick>
Make sure not to put this in the middle of any other buttons

This was the final step, your done!

watch gallery

Release Notes
Version 2.0
*Added changable Top Art!!!
*Uses Logo, Banner, or Clearart in top left, with text fallback
*Realigned everything to do with top left info
*Grouped the top elements so they dynamically move
*Fixed Banner FullscreenIcon for Tv shows
Built on 3.2.0

Version 1.2
*Added Larger Logos to Video OSD
*repostioned Tagline
*Enlarged Logo on video navigation screen added
*Added MyVideoNav.xml
Built 3.2.0

Version 1.1.1
*Edited Readme.txt to help, and reflect packaging changes
Built from MQ 6 3.2.0

Version 1.1
*Refined the placement and size of graphics
*added a readme.txt to help install
Built from MQ 6 3.2.0

Alternative Release
*Both Graphics change, - doesn't allow TV episode, or any tagline and ratings to show
Built on 3.2.0

version 1.0.0
Initial Release

Version 2.0


Marcos the master of code for all code in Aeon MQ6

Thanks to anyone who helped get this running again, so much help from everywhere. Also a big thanks to the Trakt team, as the new API is a blaze and responsible for most of the speed increases.
Alternate Versions Release Notes
Video Logo and Full Art + Color MQ6 Merged
A safe set of files to be installed on top of Color MQ 6!
Make sure to install after Color MQ 6
Version 2.0 of Video OSD mod
Built on 3.2.0

****Obsolete****Dual Changable graphics****Obsolete****
These features have been improved greatly and merged to the main release but ill leave this here as it is still useful to some
Adds a button to also choose which graphic for top left corner
Removes Tagline and star rating
Doesn't show tv episode names (replaced with graphic
Built on 3.2.0

Can you get this to work @ devilshura Colored MQ6 for v3.2.0(Isengard)?
Great work Thanks Big Grin
Hey @movie78 , I can try to use the colour mq6 files and add these mods(no guarentee tho), this will be a one time otherwise you can learn a lot from the manual instalation and makes it much more your own anyway. I do understand that it seems very scary, but if you take time and move slowly you will see your only copying and pasting 4 things into a few differnt files.
(2015-11-11, 00:21)ketterer Wrote: [ -> ]Hey @movie78 , I can try to use the colour mq6 files and add these mods(no guarentee tho), this will be a one time otherwise you can learn a lot from the manual instalation and makes it much more your own anyway. I do understand that it seems very scary, but if you take time and move slowly you will see your only copying and pasting 4 things into a few differnt files.

No Problem!

I was working on my own customization,until i saw the nice job you did with your mod,adding your mod with my makes it a little bit complicated.Big Grin
Just to report that on the INFO screen (not pause screen), the clearart is not directly starting after the panel that contains all the other info. It's like 1 or 2 cm above it, don't know why.

PS: OE Jarvis, Mq6 v 4.0.0
@movie76, at the moment I can not get color flags to work but im still working

(2015-11-11, 02:36)djhifi Wrote: [ -> ]Just to report that on the INFO screen (not pause screen), the clearart is not directly starting after the panel that contains all the other info. It's like 1 or 2 cm above it, don't know why.

PS: OE Jarvis, Mq6 v 4.0.0

If you used the manual method, then it think you might have just missed this part, just add 35 to the one value and should be good to go!

(2015-11-10, 18:18)ketterer Wrote: [ -> ]For a perfect look, when editing DialogFullScreenInfo.xml add 35 to the <top> Value (makeing it <top>108</top>), for some reason it is different in each, but its not very visible)
(P.S.You can make thing bigger and smaller the <width> and <height> lines and position with <left>(the pixels from left) and <top>(pixels from top) lines but if you edit this it changes for all types of art in that place and if you go to large the diskart or fanart can go over other thing pretty quick, these values are about as big as you can go without overlapping somewhere)
Yes, i've missed that part. Also, I have all the modded files for devilshura logo pack v 4.0.0 (for skin version 4.0.0) = im a donor at mq6.
here is what i have made, I cant test it right now(I actually cant get color mod to work right now for me in the first place.)
this https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0396oJ...sp=sharing should would tho, remember to back up, you need to get color mod installed first THEN copy these in, I have build the fullscreen icon mod manually on top of color mod files so it should work
Movie 78,
I have repackaged this so its not as "through this together" as well as tested it and it works.
Download this and install it AFTER MQ6 color flags. everything should work find and dandy
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