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Full Version: Phenomenal Skin - mod
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Pages: 1 2
altered skin, to your taste
still a lot of work, but it works
made only vertical menu

within the image file, how to organize a subject I do not know
Moderator help, place the image from the archive to the topic

install manually

I translated with google


скачать скин

download the skin

The download page is in polish Sad
I just tried downloading this onto jarvis but it fails to load from zipfile.
haha excuse me for being a dumb arse , have added it manually , works great , just can you confirm where i should put the "new folder " with the bandicam pics in ? i placed it in the userdata folder is that correct please ?
just been looking athe pics in the attached folder and the texts are in polish so i assume i don't need it anyway ?
sorry to ask another question vadim72 , but is there no option to add sub menus ?
(2016-11-18, 17:53)ontap Wrote: [ -> ]sorry to ask another question vadim72 , but is there no option to add sub menus ?
there are settings submenu
settings, Phenomenal, second paragraph from the top, and the bottom line is to add a submenu

I do not know how to add the screenshot, I will review the video and you
When i go to configure main menu items , choose an item the scroll downt to edit submenu , selecting choose item or change action doesn,t do anything , i cannot add any sub menus ?
(2016-11-18, 19:30)ontap Wrote: [ -> ]When i go to configure main menu items , choose an item the scroll downt to edit submenu , selecting choose item or change action doesn,t do anything , i cannot add any sub menus ?
wszystko działa i rozszerzenie
Muszę zrobić film i go obejrzeć i zrozumieć

everything works and extending
I need to make a video and you watch it and understand
(2016-11-18, 19:39)vadim72 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2016-11-18, 19:30)ontap Wrote: [ -> ]When i go to configure main menu items , choose an item the scroll downt to edit submenu , selecting choose item or change action doesn,t do anything , i cannot add any sub menus ?
wszystko działa i rozszerzenie
Muszę zrobić film i go obejrzeć i zrozumieć

everything works and extending
I need to make a video and you watch it and understand
tylko zrobić świeży Kodi dodania swoich danych i konfiguracji podmenu działa dobrze, więc będę usunąć poprzedni build muszę zrobić coś złego, musiałem dodać własne tło twoje są o wiele lepsze, ale tekst na fotki jest w języku polskim, świetny mod dobrze zrobione ,
kocham te czyste światło tła, są one dostępne bez żadnego tekstu na? Nie można ich używać z polskim tekstem.
I thiught i had pasted above comment in both english and polish ?
Was saying i like your clean light backgrounds shame from my point of view that the text on them is in polish Smile
I love the fanart on the tv channel view in pvr client , when i switch to guide view it reverts to the default dark basic view , is there a way to get the nice pale bron view as in channels ?
changed my skin on kodi to phenomenal now it gets stuck on the home screen with no icons nothing there just home screen
skin phenomenal mod at the end of a video that showed how to add some elements to help script.skin.helpe in the widget on the main menu to many skins, provided that you have registered for script.skin.helpe widget on the home page



kodi skin phenomenal mod, quietly doing a page with icons for easy viewing

Updated the page of the posters icon for the video, a lot of small changes for the animation of the search key, etc.
Pages: 1 2