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the groub Klagemauer TV od Kla TV has an addon for Kodi that is promoted on your page: https://kodi.tv/addon/plugins-video-add-...gemauer-tv

The group does not only claim that Jews steal organs as reperation for the holocaust (https://www.kla.tv/620) but also promotes hateful content against homosexuals (https://www.kla.tv/14483) and more.

A summery is here: https://medium.com/inside-the-news-media...0a168e86ca
A more elaborate one for German speakers is here: https://www.belltower.news/organische-ch...kte-88371/

I hope there is any process to remove such an add-on from your site.

If I need to put this somwhere else please let me know - I am new to this community
The "advertisement" of the add-on doesn't include any hateful text. (Although I believe you that the video content does.)

Kodi is registered in the USA (https://kodi.wiki/view/XBMC_Foundation) which does not have a law against holocaust denial (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laws_again...ust_denial). And I doubt that Kodi would censor this add-on, since there is no rule against its content (https://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on_rules).

But you can try and remove the add-on by submitting a GitHub-PR to this repository: https://github.com/xbmc/repo-plugins/tre...deo.kla.tv
Those videos are also available on YouTube, so if we started removing addons like this then maybe YouTube and various other addons would also have to go. Censoring content like this, despite how outrageous the content is, is not really something that Kodi should be doing, imo. Bear in mind the addon isn't installed by default, and even if it were removed a third-party could still host the addon.
I'm inclined to agree, despite the content being deeply offensive, it shouldn't be for Kodi to try to censor content in this way

I would suggest that if the videos are hosted on a platform like Youtube, that you report them if they violate the platform rules, having their videos removed and their channel de-monetised will probably do more damage to them than anything from the Kodi side
As it has been said, and after we discussed that at out last team meeting, we won't remove this addon from our repo. I'm german myself and I read some of the content (didn't watch the videos, tbh). Most likely that content is full of BS (my personal opinion). But there's no law against idiots (unfortunately Wink ... just kidding Wink ). Just in regard of the example above...this is what "No Kids" is generally about:

So what is shown at that page from Klagemauer, is simply nonsense and there's also no low against that (again...unfortunately...no kidding Wink ).

Anyway...I, for myself was kind of sceptic if we should keep that add-on because we also shouldn't be a platform for hate-, anti-jewish-, or anti-homosexual-content. We decided to keep an eye on it and if we see that more of those add-ons will be submitted, then we might discuss that again to not became a platform for that.

For the time being, we will keep that add-on and if it's only for amusement Wink
From when I've looked it at the website it seems to a general platform for fake news and conspiracy theories and does not seem targeted at providing a platform for hate speech or nazi type propaganda, Youtube seem ok with providing them a channel https://www.youtube.com/user/klagemauerTV so the general Team consensus seems to be if you have a problem with the content then report it to them using the details at https://www.kla.tv/index.php?a=showimpressum and if that fails then as they are subject to Swiss Law they can be reported to the relevant authorities in Switzerland.