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Thank you @Wanilton,

With your script (same numeric version as mine but for new python?) I get some numbers but actually only zeros.

When I replace in Variables.xml this line:
<value condition="String.IsEqual(Window(home).Property(library_status),videoplaylist) + [Container.Content(tvshows) | Container.Content(seasons) | Container.Content(episodes)]">$LOCALIZE[20343] $INFO[Window(home).Property(Playlist_TVShowCount)]   $LOCALIZE[20360] $INFO[Window(home).Property(Playlist_Count)]   $LOCALIZE[16102] $INFO[Window(home).Property(Playlist_Watched)]   $LOCALIZE[16101] $INFO[Window(home).Property(Playlist_UnWatched)]</value>
<value condition="String.IsEqual(Window(home).Property(library_status),videoplaylist) + [Container.Content(tvshows) | Container.Content(seasons) | Container.Content(episodes)]">$LOCALIZE[20343] $INFO[Window(home).Property(PlaylistTVShowCount)] $LOCALIZE[20360] $INFO[Window(home).Property(PlaylistEpisodes)] $LOCALIZE[16102] $INFO[ListItem.Property(PlaylistWatchedEpisodes)] $LOCALIZE[16101] $INFO[Window(home).Property(PlaylistEpisodesUnWatched)]</value>
numbers also are there with exceptions of the watched episodes. I cannot find a built in property for that working on playlists. Maybe with some helper scripts?

Best regards

I could now fix almost all of the counters. Also counters on main can now recognize if playlist is tvshow or movie. Corrected some typos in the properties after clicking on the menu, so the top left bar is now showing for all medias counters. Still issue with watched tvshow ... is there really a plugin function for that? I cannot find a property and I don't know why this showed only on playlists + tvshows. Also added counter of unwatched on main when browsing through the widget on each poster item.
Question, how is it intended to work that top left bar? Will it show for each show amount of shows, total episodes, watched, unwatched? Or should it show amount of shows, all episodes (not shown on regular sources), all watched, all unwatched?
@Wanilton Thx you in advance for your future fix! Smile

Replace the includes.xml file, in the skin.aeonmq9, which will solve FSK.

Last square bracket on row 38 should be removed.
Closing tag missing at the end on row 3725.

Thanks, fixed, same link file.
@Wanilton Thank you for the fix. 

Is it possible to update the file directly on repository ? or is it possible to have a zip file  to install directly from kodi ?
Not sure if this was resolved.
Count on media items not visible for smart playlists like previous MQ versions.
E.g. default Movies menu item will show "1000   Unwatched  350"
Smart playlist menu items show "Unwatched" only, no total count for that smart playlist filter or actual unwatched in the smart playlist filter.
(2023-08-14, 10:57)abba77 Wrote: [ -> ]Not sure if this was resolved.
Hi @abba77,

Not on public release. I had the same issue.
Here my fix for the home / main menu screen.

Search for this in the "Variables.xml"
    <value condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(master),videoplaylist) + !String.IsEmpty(Window(home).Property(playlistunwatched))">$INFO[Container(9000).ListItem.Property(playlistcount)]   [COLOR=$INFO[skin.string(header_color)]]$LOCALIZE[16101][/COLOR] $INFO[Container(9000).ListItem.Property(playlistunwatched)]</value>
and replace with this:
    <value condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(master),videoplaylist) + !String.IsEmpty(Window(home).Property(PlaylistUnWatched)) + !Integer.IsGreater(Window(home).Property(PlaylistCount),0)">$INFO[Window(home).Property(PlaylistTVShowCount)]   [COLOR=$INFO[skin.string(header_color)]]$LOCALIZE[16101][/COLOR] $INFO[Window(home).Property(PlaylistEpisodesUnWatched)]</value>
and add also this before the next line:
    <value condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(master),videoplaylist) + Integer.IsGreater(Window(home).Property(PlaylistCount),0)">$INFO[Window(home).Property(PlaylistCount)]   [COLOR=$INFO[skin.string(header_color)]]$LOCALIZE[16101][/COLOR] $INFO[Window(home).Property(PlaylistUnWatched)]</value>

Works on movies playlist and tv shows playlist. Last one showing total shows and total episodes unwatched. I did not find a function for shows unwatched.
Other playlists not tested ( music, etc. ).

Best regards, BiTeMeNoW
(2023-08-14, 09:42)ckf92 Wrote: [ -> ]@Wanilton Thank you for the fix. 

Is it possible to update the file directly on repository ? or is it possible to have a zip file  to install directly from kodi ?

We have a repo available for regular and VIP plus members (donors), with add-ons used by the skin, but it´s not available to the public. I will try to create one Repo to share one updated skin version when possible here.

I will talk with MarcosQui about it

If you see the includes have set properties, and it´s not equal in the variables xml file.

<include name="library_status_items">
            <onload condition="String.Contains(skin.string(menu$PARAM[item].master),playlist)">RunScript(script.randomandlastitems,limit=1,playlist=$INFO[skin.string(menu$PARAM[item].path)],property=playlist$PARAM[item])</onload>
            <onunload condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(name),menu$PARAM[item]) + String.Contains(skin.string(menu$PARAM[item].master),videoplaylist)">SetProperty(Playlist_Count,$INFO[Window(home).Property(playlist$PARAM[item].count)],home)</onunload>
            <onunload condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(name),menu$PARAM[item]) + String.Contains(skin.string(menu$PARAM[item].master),videoplaylist)">SetProperty(Playlist_Watched,$INFO[Window(home).Property(playlist$PARAM[item].watched)],home)</onunload>
            <onunload condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(name),menu$PARAM[item]) + String.Contains(skin.string(menu$PARAM[item].master),videoplaylist)">SetProperty(Playlist_UnWatched,$INFO[Window(home).Property(playlist$PARAM[item].unwatched)],home)</onunload>
            <onunload condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(name),menu$PARAM[item]) + String.Contains(skin.string(menu$PARAM[item].master),videoplaylist)">SetProperty(Playlist_TVShowCount,$INFO[Window(home).Property(playlist$PARAM[item].tvshows)],home)</onunload>            
            <onunload condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(name),menu$PARAM[item]) + String.Contains(skin.string(menu$PARAM[item].master),musicplaylist)">SetProperty(Playlist_Artists,$INFO[Window(home).Property(playlist$PARAM[item].artists)],home)</onunload>
            <onunload condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(name),menu$PARAM[item]) + String.Contains(skin.string(menu$PARAM[item].master),musicplaylist)">SetProperty(Playlist_Albums,$INFO[Window(home).Property(playlist$PARAM[item].albums)],home)</onunload>
            <onunload condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(name),menu$PARAM[item]) + String.Contains(skin.string(menu$PARAM[item].master),musicplaylist)">SetProperty(Playlist_Songs,$INFO[Window(home).Property(playlist$PARAM[item].songs)],home)</onunload>    
Thank you @Wanilton,

Yes, I now the custom property should be set in "Includes.xml", but it does not work out of the box.
This is why I changed to native properties.

Now I realized, that the <onload> uses the script "Random and Last Items" ... It will not ask for that addon on first run and as I did not have that one installed it will fail with playlists.
I searched the web for the addon (as not in official repository) and after installing it and waiting for a while (huge library with over 32K episodes), I get the values and they are also correct.

It would be nice to list all absolutly required addons that are not on official repo to make it work.

Thanks, BiTeMeNoW

EDIT: after restartin Kodi again not all values are displayed, sometimes only total shows and nothing else, sometimes just zeros. I don't understand ...
EDIT2: inside a list you have to wait about 10s then go back / out and forth / inside again and now the values are there, so no live update will take place like with the native functions.
Hi Wanilton,

I have a question for movie set's multi-discart, here is the situation:
From kodi 19, it needs to build a folder for movie collection art and set the path in the kodi.
Take "The Hobbit" for example:
I build the folder for "the hobbit collection"(structure as below), and it show one big discart and two small discarts in kodi.
the hobbit (it's the folder)
-- poster,jpg (kodi currently show it)
-- fanart.jpg (kodi currently show it)
-- clearart.png (kodi currently show it)
-- discart.png (kodi currently show it)
-- discart1.png (kodi not show it)
-- discart2.png (kodi not show it)
-- discart3.png (kodi not show it)
I have no idea where is the incorrectly naming or setting, could you help me?
PS. why the hobbit collection cannot load the each discart.png from my each chapter movie  of "the hobbit"?

Here is mine, scrap the items using Universal movies




Disc art is getting one for each movie item, don´t need 1, 2, 3.

I test your changes and work well, thanks.
Hi Wanilton,

I don't use scraper to get discart, I use manually control by put the art files(nfo/poster/fanart/clearart/discart) in the movie folder.
And you mean we can control the collection discart by discart.png in the movie set folder, but the discart of each movie will auto
get from each discart.png in thier movie folder, right?
If that, I'm very sure the The hobbit 1/2/3 discarts are not get from my each movie folder, I have no idea where kodi get them?

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