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Full Version: Adding Main Menu
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I wish the creator of this skin would allow the user to add more main menu items in the home screen. Btw, it's my favorite skin as I have been using it since long ago, before that I used to use Aeon Silvo. Also, I tried lots of screens but Aeon Tajo is the best. Thanks for this beautiful skin.
Thanks! Don't worry, in the next version there'll be more main menu items available.
Any date for the next release ?
Probably next month
(2023-07-17, 02:21)manfeed Wrote: [ -> ]Probably next month
Love Rofl
Agree its a great skin very simply to use not overloaded with fuctions
(2023-07-17, 02:21)manfeed Wrote: [ -> ]Probably next month

Hi Manfeed,   Any news about the new version of the Template ?
(2023-08-07, 17:59)leyeti77 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2023-07-17, 02:21)manfeed Wrote: [ -> ]Probably next month

Hi Manfeed,   Any news about the new version of the Template ?
Yes, it'll be much better... still working on it.
Manfeed,  Thx for your feedback.
Let me share with you, the fact I love Aeon Tajo and I really appreciate the work that people like you are sharing with other.
A big thank  for you
Wink some news about the release ?
(2023-09-30, 22:32)leyeti77 Wrote: [ -> ]Wink some news about the release ?

As promised, a new version of Aeon Tajo (6.7.1) for Nexus is available through the Kodi repo since the first of september…
(2023-09-30, 23:11)manfeed Wrote: [ -> ]
(2023-09-30, 22:32)leyeti77 Wrote: [ -> ]Wink some news about the release ?

As promised, a new version of Aeon Tajo (6.7.1) for Nexus is available through the Kodi repo since the first of september…
Manfreed , Thx I see all those menu. I should be an idiot as after hours I still do not figure how to link the 'Humour' menu I have created to the Library 'Humour' I have setup.
Any help is welcome
If unclear, I would like to have on main menu, the follwing Menu, (each linked to a different Folder) : Movies, Old Movies, Comedy; TV Show, Sciences,Concert, Musique.... 
The followings (Movies, Old Movies, Comedy; TV Show, Sciences) are all videos. The only one I'm able to setup correctly is TVShow
Unless I am able to correctly setup this skin, I will get ride of it, and use the hideous 'File Manager' to make my selection. Pittyfull
(2023-10-27, 23:27)leyeti77 Wrote: [ -> ]If unclear, I would like to have on main menu, the follwing Menu, (each linked to a different Folder) : Movies, Old Movies, Comedy; TV Show, Sciences,Concert, Musique.... 
The followings (Movies, Old Movies, Comedy; TV Show, Sciences) are all videos. The only one I'm able to setup correctly is TVShow
Unless I am able to correctly setup this skin, I will get ride of it, and use the hideous 'File Manager' to make my selection. Pittyfull
Edit the <tag></tag> line in all NFO files.
For example: <tag>Documentaries</tag>
Next: Setup main menu - CUSTOM1 - Default select action - Video Library - Movies - Tags - Documentaries. Do the same with movies, videos, etc.
(2023-10-28, 11:11)Konon Wrote: [ -> ]
(2023-10-27, 23:27)leyeti77 Wrote: [ -> ]
import re def nfo_geturl(data): result = re.search('https://musicbrainz.org/(ws/2/)?release/([0-9a-z\-:
*)', data) if result: return result.group(2)]
If unclear, I would like to have on main menu, the follwing Menu, (each linked to a different Folder) : Movies, Old Movies, Comedy; TV Show, Sciences,Concert, Musique.... 
The followings (Movies, Old Movies, Comedy; TV Show, Sciences) are all videos. The only one I'm able to setup correctly is TVShow
Unless I am able to correctly setup this skin, I will get ride of it, and use the hideous 'File Manager' to make my selection. Pittyfull
Edit the <tag></tag> line in all NFO files.
For example: <tag>Documentaries</tag>

Next: Setup main menu - CUSTOM1 - Default select action - Video Library - Movies - Tags - Documentaries. Do the same with movies, videos, etc.
Hi Thx for th info, I'm on PC (but seems it's excatly the same as on Android Box) 
Location : C:\Program Files\Kodi   & C:\Users\Fr038014\AppData\Roaming\Kodi
I have not found any .nfo file. :-(  Is there a specific folder in which they are located ?
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