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Win Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - Printable Version

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- Tolriq - 2010-02-03

Ok so first you must test the webserver.

So on a computer just launch a internet browser and type http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (the XBMC browser).

If it works, on YATSE you need to enter the ip address of the XBMC machine.

You wont be able to control anything from YATSE until the XBMC test is OKSmile

For the interface going slow this is a side effect of bad XBMC configuration. Since WPF is more or less single threaded, the interface locks whenever request are done to XBMC and waiting for the timeout (2sec currently).

I'm sure you'll find the correct parameters for the Web Server and enjoy this prog as i do Smile


- Tolriq - 2010-02-04

Time for Beta 1.

Thanks to dakkar from medios i have a way to virtualize the coverflow (let's resume by speed on large lists :p ). (It's implementation is not perfect since i have a problem with two way databinding on selectedindex but my hack works)

So here's beta 1 with new album view (3D Coverflow).

Should be stable enough to play with (i have a alpha4 running for 4 days on the HTPC and no crash).

Since the software is near of what i want it to be for a first release, i also release the source code (on google code).

Since it's my first C# / WPF projet the code might not be perfect but you're welcome to improve it and send the better version Smile


PS : More thant 50 downloads and 1 feedback that's not a lot Sad

Looks great - eloo - 2010-02-05

Actually, I have for a long time wanted to get XBMC running with some sort af touchscreen. And YATSE could be what I needed to throw some money in the project.

Do you know if any USB monitors work, say 7". Should they work?


- Tolriq - 2010-02-05

Well, for the touch screen part any screen that emulate mouse action should work.

You can try YATSE with your mouse to see how it works.

Personnaly i only test this on my HTPC case wich is bundled with an iMon 7'' touch LCD.

- Batemann - 2010-02-05

Damn, this looks good. I'm finally gonna purchase a Touchscreen! Very Nice!

- Phantomatz - 2010-02-05

Hi tolriq,

included the first version of a german lang file.

I wasn't sure about all the exact meanings/translations, because I am still unable to test. However, it's a start.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<strings xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<string id="1">Bitte zuerst bestätigen !</string>
<string id="2">XBMC Parameter sind OK</string>
<string id="3">Falsche XBMC Parameter\nPrüfen Sie:\n- XBMC wird ausgeführt\n- Web Server ist aktiviert</string>
<string id="4">Regisseur : </string>
<string id="5">IP Addresse :</string>
<string id="6">Login :</string>
<string id="7">Port :</string>
<string id="8">Passwort :</string>
<string id="9">YATSE</string>
<string id="10">Auflösung :</string>
<string id="11">Bildschirmschoner</string>
<string id="12">Bilder Verzeichnis :</string>
<string id="13">XBMC</string>
<string id="14">Über</string>
<string id="15">Einstellungen speichern</string>
<string id="16">Verzeichnis wählen</string>
<string id="17">Test</string>
<string id="18">Verwende aktuelle Wiedergabe während Musik</string>
<string id="19">Verwende Diaporama</string>
<string id="20">Display dimmen, während Film bzw. wenn kein Diaporama</string>
<string id="21">Bilschirm Auflösung für Yatsa erzwingen</string>
<string id="22">XBMC im Fokus behalten</string>
<string id="23">Yatse auf 2.Bildschirm öffnen</string>
<string id="24">Yatse Fenster immer im Vordergrund halten</string>
<string id="25">Sprache :</string>
<string id="26">Skin :</string>
<string id="27">Leer</string>
<string id="28">Bibliothek aktualisieren</string>
<string id="29">Alben</string>
<string id="30">Filme</string>
<string id="31"></string>

Unfortunately, I still don't get the Web server to work - I tried for days already and running out of ideas (I digged through dozens of forum threads).

Furthermore, the CPU load is increadigly high (sometimes > 70% only by switching the menus) and I also don't find a solution (neither with the advancedsettings.xml solution which helped several people).

To be able to spend some time on listening music and watching videos, I fear I will go an give MediaPortal with a Tochscreen Plugin a try.

Even I like your solution more. As soon as I get the web server issue sorted out I will come back with my resume.

Best regards


- Tolriq - 2010-02-05

Thanks for the translation, (if you have time in beta 1 there's 3 more strings
<string id="31">Genres</string>
<string id="32">Hide Mouse Cursor</string>
<string id="33">No Medias</string>

What version of XBMC do you try ?
Perhaps you have something using the default port, you should try another port in xbmc config (like 8080).
And when problems like that, just enable debug in config and post the log. So peoples can help more.

Hard to tell more without more informations.


Thanks ... I'm progressing ;-) - Phantomatz - 2010-02-06

Hi Tolriq,

finally it seems that I got the webserver to work, no idea why it works now and not before. Anyhow it works with Port 8080 (changed it due to your proposal) and I leave it that way.

If I would have known, that the log is in the user directory to find, I would have probably had an easier live - I am still a complete XBMC noob, and was searching for the log on the wrong drive :-(

Well, the web server is running, and also the advancedsettings.xml seems to be helping me a bit to get the CPU load reduced, however, yatse needs always several seconds to react.

Currently Yatse accepted my web server settings, but since then is scanning, I fear more then 30 min. already. Because I read your earlier posts concerning time consuming scan, I only have one album in "albums" and one in "soundtracks", but still scanning for 30min already .....

I will delete yatse with all settings and reinstall, to be sure, everythings is fine.

Btw. I had to edit the german language file again (had to get a XML editor from the web). I wasn't aware, that "ä", "ö" wouldnt work. The new german XML file works fine for me.

Since I see no way to attach a file, I attach the XML code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <strings xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<string id="1">Bitte zuerst bestaetigen !</string>
<string id="2">XBMC Parameter sind OK</string>
<string id="3">Falsche XBMC Parameter\nPruefen Sie:\n- XBMC wird ausgefuehrt\n- Web Server ist aktiviert</string>
<string id="4">Regisseur :</string>
<string id="5">IP Addresse :</string>
<string id="6">Login :</string>
<string id="7">Port :</string>
<string id="8">Passwort :</string>
<string id="9">YATSE</string>
<string id="10">Aufloesung :</string>
<string id="11">Bildschirmschoner</string>
<string id="12">Bilderverzeichnis :</string>
<string id="13">XBMC</string>
<string id="14">Ueber</string>
<string id="15">Einstellungen speichern</string>
<string id="16">Verzeichnis waehen</string>
<string id="17">Test</string>
<string id="18">Verwende aktuelle Wiedergabe waehrend Musik</string>
<string id="19">Verwende Diaporama</string>
<string id="20">Display dimmen, waehrend Film bzw. wenn kein Diaporama</string>
<string id="21">Bildschirmaufloesung fuer Yatse erzwingen</string>
<string id="22">XBMC im Fokus halten</string>
<string id="23">Yatse auf 2.Bildschirm oeffnen</string>
<string id="24">Yatse Fenster immer im Vordergrund halten</string>
<string id="25">Sprache :</string>
<string id="26">Skin :</string>
<string id="27">Leer</string>
<string id="28">Bibliothek aktualisieren</string>
<string id="29">Alben</string>
<string id="30">Filme</string>
<string id="31">Genres</string>
<string id="32">Mauszeiger verstecken</string>
<string id="33">Keine Medien</string>

Best regards


- Tolriq - 2010-02-06

Glad you finally work this out Smile

We can finally focus on Yatse problems.

* What does the screen show when scanning your library ?
* Does the progress bar moves ?
* Is the Cache directory filling with images ?

Can you please edit the file Settings.xml and make the line
look like
before starting Yatse.

Then in the log dir of Yatse you should see 2 log files
xbmcontrol2.log that logs errors about communication with XBMC.
and yatse.log that deals with well yatse problems Smile


PS : to upload files you can use online services like http://www.mediafire.com/ this will ensure that the data in the XML are left in UTF-8 Format.

- Phantomatz - 2010-02-06

Hi tolriq,

now I used the Beta version and things are getting much better ;-).

The library update was very quick now.

Finally I found the Settings.xml. Because I started from scratch again, I wasn't there, because as far as I can see its generated after 1st start ;-).
I enabled the Debug mode.

Speed is much improved also for the menus.

I'm slowly also getting the fanart issues to work, however, the fanart search for samplers does not really work nicely (not a Yatse, but XBMC issue).

However, with Yatse I still don't see, how to change the genres within the touchscreen menu ?
Within the music tab I only see my first genre (soundtracks), but have no idea how to move to the next one (albums).

Same is valid for the movies.

I will try to get my wife motivated ;-) to help me with the spanish language file and will upload it together with the german xml.

- Tolriq - 2010-02-06

Good news if finally everything works Smile

The Settings.xml is created when you first save settings.

For the languages you can wait for Beta 2 since there will be many more strings.

The Genre view will only show genre available in your library, so if only one genre present you'll only see one.

For moving in the list with mouse you must act as if using a touch screen, so click and move, like drag and drop.

To go to album view just double click (tap) on the choosen genre.

To play an album or film the same just double click (tap).

The timing for double click is hard coded at 250ms, please tell me if i should add more time to detect it.


- ppic - 2010-02-06

working great (tested with mouse)
it's seems that tvshow section is not handle for now, do you plan to ad it?

It is soo great !!! - Phantomatz - 2010-02-06

Finally I am very happy with my Silverstone GD02-MT with display on it, because it is great to use with Yatse.

I never cared about this useless information of HD load, ... which was supplied with the IMON SW.

However, I have one last issue:

As far as I understand, the complete service runs via the Web interface.

However, I am currently adding all different Music (mainly ripped from CD by CDex, but also some Itunes stuff).

The problem is, that due to the automatic media update, it generates me a new genre for almost each CD i add :-( .... of course, I would like to have the automatic download of fanarts and covers, ... but it would be great, if I could define the genre by myself, e.g. by placing the ripped CDs (one in each directory) within directories with the genre names.

Would that be possible ?

Like that I would be able to reduce the number of genres to an amount which can be handled ... other ideas ?

- Tolriq - 2010-02-06

@ppic : Yes it's on the plan for Beta 2 with WOL and restart / shutdown.

@Phantomatz : There's a lot's of way to clean your music collection.
Personnaly, i do tag my music with external software so that the mp3 / flac are perfect before scraping with XBMC, then scrape with the default music scraper to get artist fanarts.
I don't know if there's good music tool in this forum to handle this directly from XBMC.


- Livin - 2010-02-07

Do you have plans to make it multitouch compatible? I have a 22" Dell multitouch monitor I'm itching to try with your app - just have not had time yet.