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Win Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - Printable Version

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- Tolriq - 2012-01-07

Build 136 uploaded that correct that Smile

Sorry for the little bug and thanks for report.

- nicknacc - 2012-01-07

Sorry newb question. Is there a plan for an app on ipad2? This look amazing. I currently runny constellation but this GUI sure looks purrty

- avekevin - 2012-01-07

Tolriq Wrote:Build 136 uploaded that correct that Smile

Sorry for the little bug and thanks for report.

Works great, thank you!

- Tolriq - 2012-01-07

nicknacc Wrote:Sorry newb question. Is there a plan for an app on ipad2? This look amazing. I currently runny constellation but this GUI sure looks purrty

No plan for Ipad 2.

From what i seen from the constellation post this apps looks really great i'm not sure Yatse is half as good Smile

The only "perhaps" plan is android as i'm surely gonna get an Asus Transformer Prime.

- eltanardo - 2012-01-30

Dear Tolriq,

thanks a lot for your great work! I use YATSE on the 7 inches LCD touchscreen of my HTPC case, in replacement of Soundgraph ugly buggy not-friendly software.

Because the Wide LCD touchscreen is also from Soundgraph, they give it 4/3 ratio resolutions, so the aspect ratio is not preserved. fortunately, I am able to create custom resolution with the graphic card. So I introduce 1024*600 and 800*480. But these resolutions are not visible in YATSE. I only see original resolutions (1024*768, 800*600). Is there a way to force YATSE for Wide screens?

I notice also a bug in the Music library: when to albums have the same name on XBMC, YATSE can only see only one of them. I have some "Very Best Of" albums in stock!


- Tolriq - 2012-01-30


For the resolution you can cheat the system detection by modifying the Yatse2.xml.
But remember you'll have to reset this each time you save the settings.

For the album it's quite complicated. You should have all your albums when you go directly to albums from the homepage. But going from other Artist or Genre can leads to limit to one album by name since it's the only way i have to get back albums with compilations artists. If i don't do that you'll see X album for 1 album where X = numbers of artists.
There's no simple solution in Yatse for this Sad

- Nikos312 - 2012-02-05

I have the following problem.. When playing a movie or tv show it loads the proper fanart, but when it stops the fanart is still on the background. Is it possible when nothing is played to return to home screen and go to idle black screen?

- Tolriq - 2012-02-05

Edit : Totally out of context answer was thinking about Yatse widget Smile

So, you mean the now playing screen does not quit when the media ends ? Since normally you can't go to now playing screen if nothing is playing.

For the black screen just select the dimming in personalize (and check you did not check the use dimming only when tv / movie)

- eltanardo - 2012-02-09

Tolriq Wrote:Hello,

For the resolution you can cheat the system detection by modifying the Yatse2.xml.
But remember you'll have to reset this each time you save the settings.

For the album it's quite complicated. You should have all your albums when you go directly to albums from the homepage. But going from other Artist or Genre can leads to limit to one album by name since it's the only way i have to get back albums with compilations artists. If i don't do that you'll see X album for 1 album where X = numbers of artists.
There's no simple solution in Yatse for this Sad

Thanks tolriq.

In fact, the resolution list is emptyHuh. Therfore I don't know which fields I have to cheat in Yatse2.xml. My desired resolution is 800*480*60Hz. At this time, The Yatse window is cropped.



Quote:[19:01:55.5360] Yatse2 : Starting build : 136
[19:01:55.5380] OSInfo : Name = Windows 7
[19:01:55.5400] OSInfo : Edition = Home Premium
[19:01:55.5410] OSInfo : Service Pack =Service Pack 1
[19:01:55.5420] OSInfo : Version = 6.1.7601.65536
[19:01:55.5430] OSInfo : Bits = 64
[19:01:55.5450] OSInfo : Culture = fr-FR
[19:01:55.7210] Yatse2 : End load config
[19:01:55.7320] Yatse2 : <Yatse2Config>
<DMFormName />
<ImageDirectory />
<SortTokens>Le |La |Les |The |A |An |L'</SortTokens>
[19:01:55.7360] Yatse2-Plugs : Loading : C:\Yatse2\Plugins\Remote.Boxee.Beta.dll
[19:01:55.7410] Yatse2-Plugs : Plugin : BOXEE - Beta (Version : 112)
[19:01:55.7430] Yatse2-Plugs : Plugin : BOXEE - Beta (Version : 112) reports incompatibility unloading
[19:01:55.7440] Yatse2-Plugs : Loading : C:\Yatse2\Plugins\Remote.MediaPortal.iPimp.dll
[19:01:55.7490] Yatse2-Plugs : Plugin : MediaPortal - iPiMP (Version : 124)
[19:01:55.7500] Yatse2-Plugs : Loading : C:\Yatse2\Plugins\Remote.XBMC.Camelot.dll
[19:01:55.7550] Yatse2-Plugs : Plugin : XBMC - Camelot (Version : 126)
[19:01:55.7570] Yatse2-Plugs : Loading : C:\Yatse2\Plugins\Remote.XBMC.Dharma.dll
[19:01:55.7630] Yatse2-Plugs : Plugin : XBMC - Dharma (Version : 126)
[19:01:55.7650] Yatse2-Plugs : Loading : C:\Yatse2\Plugins\Remote.XBMC.DharmaHttp.dll
[19:01:55.7690] Yatse2-Plugs : Plugin : XBMC - Dharma H (Version : 122)
[19:01:55.7700] Yatse2-Plugs : Plugin : XBMC - Dharma H (Version : 122) reports incompatibility unloading
[19:01:55.7720] Yatse2-Plugs : Loading : C:\Yatse2\Plugins\Remote.XBMC.Eden.dll
[19:01:55.7770] Yatse2-Plugs : Plugin : XBMC - Eden (Version : 132)
[19:01:55.9600] Yatse2 : Load dictionaries - Skin : Default, Lang : Français
[19:01:56.4190] Yatse2DB : Opening database : C:\Yatse2\Yatse2.db
[19:01:56.4740] Yatse2DB : Query : SELECT MAX(Version) FROM `Version`;
[19:01:56.4790] Weather : Init
[19:01:56.4850] Yatse2 : No current Remote
[19:01:56.4870] Yatse2 : Init Timer
[19:01:56.4920] Yatse2DB : Query : SELECT * FROM `Remotes`;
[19:01:56.4980] Yatse2 : Refresh weather
[19:01:56.5240] Yatse2 : Dispay settings changed
[19:01:56.5270] Yatse2 : End init
[19:01:57.5100] Yatse2 : Checking for updates. Current version :
[19:01:57.6420] Setup : Download : /Download/x86/Versions
[19:01:57.6440] Setup : Repository loaded - x86
[19:01:57.7060] Setup : Download : /Download/Translations
[19:01:57.8500] Setup : Get build list : Builds founds : 20
[19:01:57.8520] Yatse2 : Version is up2date!
[19:01:57.8550] Setup : Cleanup : Temporary deleted
[19:01:57.8580] Yatse2 : Home Page : grd_Home
[19:02:02.6030] Yatse2 : Detected secondary screen resolutions : 0
[19:02:02.6100] Yatse2 : Added resolutions : 0
[19:02:02.6120] Yatse2 : Detected skins : 1
[19:02:02.6130] Yatse2 : Adding skin : Default
[19:02:02.6170] Yatse2 : Detected language files : 7
[19:02:02.6190] Yatse2 : Adding lang : Deutsch | Version : 100
[19:02:02.6220] Yatse2 : Adding lang : Dutch | Version : 108
[19:02:02.6240] Yatse2 : Adding lang : English | Version : 124
[19:02:02.6260] Yatse2 : Adding lang : Français | Version : 124
[19:02:02.6310] Yatse2 : Adding lang : Hebrew | Version : 114
[19:02:02.6330] Yatse2 : Adding lang : Polish | Version : 124
[19:02:02.6350] Yatse2 : Adding lang : Russian | Version : 124
[19:02:02.6370] Yatse2 : Show Grid : grd_Settings

- Tolriq - 2012-02-09


You need those fields :
<DMFormName />

But since there's no resolution detected perhaps your screen does not support 32bit color depth.
You can try to just change from 32 to 16 the following param.
Quote: <MinDMBitsPerPel>16</MinDMBitsPerPel>

Remember to change all those params when Yatse is closed.

- eltanardo - 2012-02-11

Tolriq Wrote:Hello,

You need those fields :

But since there's no resolution detected perhaps your screen does not support 32bit color depth.
You can try to just change from 32 to 16 the following param.

Remember to change all those params when Yatse is closed.

Thanks Tolriq, it works now!
I took the fields from your post.


- Tolriq - 2012-02-13

Glad to hear.

Still strange that it does not detect the resolution.

What drivers do you use to generate your custom windows resolutions ?

- Nikos312 - 2012-02-29

Is it possible to load fanart on the background when launching a game from xbmc??

- Tolriq - 2012-02-29

Well Yatse load the Fanart that Xbmc send.

So if no background is loaded that means that Yatse don't have informations about it and so can't load it Sad

- Ghostdivision - 2012-02-29

Could I basically use this program for android instead of xbmc android app on my phone?

Sorry for the noob question i did not see much info about it working for phones.