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Linux ChromeBox Kodi E-Z Setup Script (LibreELEC/Linux+Kodi) [2017/02/21] - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Linux ChromeBox Kodi E-Z Setup Script (LibreELEC/Linux+Kodi) [2017/02/21] (/showthread.php?tid=194362)

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Re: RE: Asus/HP ChromeBox EZ Setup (OpenELEC or Ubuntu+XMBC) [v2.15 - 2014/07/23] - Matt Devo - 2014-07-26

(2014-07-26, 20:03)magy77 Wrote: No its not a Yatse Problem. When i click Suspend in Openelec the Box stays on nothing is suspend or turning off.
Then i tried to Standby that works well. But i cant wake up over WOL

Never had any issues here. I'd suggest you check the logs to see what's causing it not to suspend properly

RE: Asus/HP ChromeBox EZ Setup (OpenELEC or Ubuntu+XMBC) [v2.15 - 2014/07/23] - Hannes The Hun - 2014-07-26

OpenElec repeatedly and reproducibly liked to "hang/freeze" on playback with a video freeze while audio was constantly playing but with the new beta builds of OpenElec it got worse to the point where the video file would freeze at some point and you had to restart the box

will try to update SeaBios via script tomorrow. known issue? intel drivers?

RE: Asus/HP ChromeBox EZ Setup (OpenELEC or Ubuntu+XMBC) [v2.15 - 2014/07/23] - fritsch - 2014-07-26

https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=81447 <- intel bug, most likely in libdrm - we will see. They are not very keen on fixing things in the last months.

Re: RE: Asus/HP ChromeBox EZ Setup (OpenELEC or Ubuntu+XMBC) [v2.15 - 2014/07/23] - Matt Devo - 2014-07-26

(2014-07-26, 20:50)Hannes The Hun Wrote: OpenElec repeatedly and reproducibly liked to "hang/freeze" on playback with a video freeze while audio was constantly playing but with the new beta builds of OpenElec it got worse to the point where the video file would freeze at some point and you had to restart the box

will try to update SeaBios via script tomorrow. known issue? intel drivers?

Updating the firmware or SeaBIOS will have no effect; as noted, it's an intel driver bug. See the notes in the wiki for the optimal settings to work around the issue(s)

RE: Asus/HP ChromeBox EZ Setup (OpenELEC or Ubuntu+XMBC) [v2.15 - 2014/07/23] - jmandawg - 2014-07-26

Hi all,

I have the celeron chromebox and I installed lubuntu last night and it is very fast.

Had a few hiccups with the audio driver and video tearing. Seems like youtube does not want to exit full screen when i enable the tearing fix in xorg.

Does anyone know how to get the GPU acceleration working, my daughter wants to play minecraft and it seems really really slow, or is the intel HD graphics really that bad?

Also how can you tell if HW video acceleration is working in mplayer of vlc?


RE: Asus/HP ChromeBox EZ Setup (OpenELEC or Ubuntu+XMBC) [v2.15 - 2014/07/23] - magy77 - 2014-07-27

(2014-07-26, 20:08)Matt Devo Wrote:
(2014-07-26, 20:03)magy77 Wrote: No its not a Yatse Problem. When i click Suspend in Openelec the Box stays on nothing is suspend or turning off.
Then i tried to Standby that works well. But i cant wake up over WOL

Never had any issues here. I'd suggest you check the logs to see what's causing it not to suspend properly

Nothing appears in the log. its like.. the button has no command. u got also 4.1.2?

RE: Asus/HP ChromeBox EZ Setup (OpenELEC or Ubuntu+XMBC) [v2.15 - 2014/07/23] - tetsuya - 2014-07-27

(2014-07-26, 21:50)jmandawg Wrote: Had a few hiccups with the audio driver and video tearing. Seems like youtube does not want to exit full screen when i enable the tearing fix in xorg.


I'm using this now in Xubuntu but it will work in lubuntu also. With this it fixes the tearng and graphic corruption

Delete the 20-intel.conf file and install compton

sudo rm /usr/share/x11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:richardgv/compton
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install compton

Create a compton config file and save it in ~/.compton.conf

# Backend

# Backend to use: "xrender" or "glx".
# GLX backend is typically much faster but depends on a sane driver.
backend = "glx";

# GLX backend

glx-no-stencil = true;

# GLX backend: Copy unmodified regions from front buffer instead of redrawing them all.
# My tests with nvidia-drivers show a 10% decrease in performance when the whole screen is modified,
# but a 20% increase when only 1/4 is.
# My tests on nouveau show terrible slowdown.
# Useful with --glx-swap-method, as well.
glx-copy-from-front = false;

# GLX backend: Use MESA_copy_sub_buffer to do partial screen update.
# My tests on nouveau shows a 200% performance boost when only 1/4 of the screen is updated.
# May break VSync and is not available on some drivers.
# Overrides --glx-copy-from-front.
# glx-use-copysubbuffermesa = true;

# GLX backend: Avoid rebinding pixmap on window damage.
# Probably could improve performance on rapid window content changes, but is known to break things on some drivers (LLVMpipe).
# Recommended if it works.
# glx-no-rebind-pixmap = true;

# GLX backend: GLX buffer swap method we assume.
# Could be undefined (0), copy (1), exchange (2), 3-6, or buffer-age (-1).
# undefined is the slowest and the safest, and the default value.
# copy is fastest, but may fail on some drivers,
# 2-6 are gradually slower but safer (6 is still faster than 0).
# Usually, double buffer means 2, triple buffer means 3.
# buffer-age means auto-detect using GLX_EXT_buffer_age, supported by some drivers.
# Useless with --glx-use-copysubbuffermesa.
# Partially breaks --resize-damage.
# Defaults to undefined.
glx-swap-method = "undefined";

# Shadows

# Enabled client-side shadows on windows.
shadow = true;
# Don't draw shadows on DND windows.
no-dnd-shadow = true;
# Avoid drawing shadows on dock/panel windows.
no-dock-shadow = true;
# Zero the part of the shadow's mask behind the window. Fix some weirdness with ARGB windows.
clear-shadow = true;
# The blur radius for shadows. (default 12)
shadow-radius = 5;
# The left offset for shadows. (default -15)
shadow-offset-x = -5;
# The top offset for shadows. (default -15)
shadow-offset-y = -5;
# The translucency for shadows. (default .75)
shadow-opacity = 0.5;

# Set if you want different colour shadows
# shadow-red = 0.0;
# shadow-green = 0.0;
# shadow-blue = 0.0;

# The shadow exclude options are helpful if you have shadows enabled. Due to the way compton draws its shadows, certain applications will have visual glitches
# (most applications are fine, only apps that do weird things with xshapes or argb are affected).
# This list includes all the affected apps I found in my testing. The "! name~=''" part excludes shadows on any "Unknown" windows, this prevents a visual glitch with the XFWM alt tab switcher.
shadow-exclude = [
    "! name~=''",
    "name = 'Notification'",
    "name = 'Plank'",
    "name = 'Docky'",
    "name = 'Kupfer'",
    "name = 'xfce4-notifyd'",
    "name *= 'VLC'",
    "name *= 'compton'",
    "name *= 'Chromium'",
    "name *= 'Chrome'",
    "name *= 'Firefox'",
    "class_g = 'Conky'",
    "class_g = 'Kupfer'",
    "class_g = 'Synapse'",
    "class_g ?= 'Notify-osd'",
    "class_g ?= 'Cairo-dock'",
    "class_g ?= 'Xfce4-notifyd'",
    "class_g ?= 'Xfce4-power-manager'"
# Avoid drawing shadow on all shaped windows (see also: --detect-rounded-corners)
shadow-ignore-shaped = false;

# Opacity

menu-opacity = 1;
inactive-opacity = 1;
active-opacity = 1;
frame-opacity = 1;
inactive-opacity-override = false;
alpha-step = 0.06;

# Dim inactive windows. (0.0 - 1.0)
# inactive-dim = 0.2;
# Do not let dimness adjust based on window opacity.
# inactive-dim-fixed = true;
# Blur background of transparent windows. Bad performance with X Render backend. GLX backend is preferred.
# blur-background = true;
# Blur background of opaque windows with transparent frames as well.
# blur-background-frame = true;
# Do not let blur radius adjust based on window opacity.
blur-background-fixed = false;
blur-background-exclude = [
    "window_type = 'dock'",
    "window_type = 'desktop'"

# Fading

# Fade windows during opacity changes.
fading = true;
# The time between steps in a fade in milliseconds. (default 10).
fade-delta = 4;
# Opacity change between steps while fading in. (default 0.028).
fade-in-step = 0.03;
# Opacity change between steps while fading out. (default 0.03).
fade-out-step = 0.03;
# Fade windows in/out when opening/closing
# no-fading-openclose = true;

# Specify a list of conditions of windows that should not be faded.
fade-exclude = [ ];

# Other

# Try to detect WM windows and mark them as active.
mark-wmwin-focused = true;
# Mark all non-WM but override-redirect windows active (e.g. menus).
mark-ovredir-focused = true;
# Use EWMH _NET_WM_ACTIVE_WINDOW to determine which window is focused instead of using FocusIn/Out events.
# Usually more reliable but depends on a EWMH-compliant WM.
use-ewmh-active-win = true;
# Detect rounded corners and treat them as rectangular when --shadow-ignore-shaped is on.
detect-rounded-corners = true;

# Detect _NET_WM_OPACITY on client windows, useful for window managers not passing _NET_WM_OPACITY of client windows to frame windows.
# This prevents opacity being ignored for some apps.
# For example without this enabled my xfce4-notifyd is 100% opacity no matter what.
detect-client-opacity = true;

# Specify refresh rate of the screen.
# If not specified or 0, compton will try detecting this with X RandR extension.
refresh-rate = 0;

# Set VSync method. VSync methods currently available:
# none: No VSync
# drm: VSync with DRM_IOCTL_WAIT_VBLANK. May only work on some drivers.
# opengl: Try to VSync with SGI_video_sync OpenGL extension. Only work on some drivers.
# opengl-oml: Try to VSync with OML_sync_control OpenGL extension. Only work on some drivers.
# opengl-swc: Try to VSync with SGI_swap_control OpenGL extension. Only work on some drivers. Works only with GLX backend. Known to be most effective on many drivers. Does not actually control paint timing, only buffer swap is affected, so it doesn’t have the effect of --sw-opti unlike other methods. Experimental.
# opengl-mswc: Try to VSync with MESA_swap_control OpenGL extension. Basically the same as opengl-swc above, except the extension we use.
# (Note some VSync methods may not be enabled at compile time.)
vsync = "opengl-swc";

# Enable DBE painting mode, intended to use with VSync to (hopefully) eliminate tearing.
# Reported to have no effect, though.
dbe = false;
# Painting on X Composite overlay window. Recommended.
paint-on-overlay = true;

# Limit compton to repaint at most once every 1 / refresh_rate second to boost performance.
# This should not be used with --vsync drm/opengl/opengl-oml as they essentially does --sw-opti's job already,
# unless you wish to specify a lower refresh rate than the actual value.
sw-opti = false;

# Unredirect all windows if a full-screen opaque window is detected, to maximize performance for full-screen windows, like games.
# Known to cause flickering when redirecting/unredirecting windows.
# paint-on-overlay may make the flickering less obvious.
unredir-if-possible = true;

# Specify a list of conditions of windows that should always be considered focused.
focus-exclude = [ ];

# Use WM_TRANSIENT_FOR to group windows, and consider windows in the same group focused at the same time.
detect-transient = true;
# Use WM_CLIENT_LEADER to group windows, and consider windows in the same group focused at the same time.
# WM_TRANSIENT_FOR has higher priority if --detect-transient is enabled, too.
detect-client-leader = true;

# Window type settings

    tooltip =
        # fade: Fade the particular type of windows.
        fade = true;
        # shadow: Give those windows shadow
        shadow = false;
        # opacity: Default opacity for the type of windows.
        opacity = 0.85;
        # focus: Whether to always consider windows of this type focused.
        focus = true;

Create a ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart file to load compton with the following

compton -b &

You can restart your chromebox or manually start compton from the terminal

compton -b &

RE: Asus/HP ChromeBox EZ Setup (OpenELEC or Ubuntu+XMBC) [v2.15 - 2014/07/23] - wallstreet1 - 2014-07-27

(2014-07-21, 07:52)jsp1 Wrote:
(2014-07-21, 01:52)Matt Devo Wrote: updated the wiki with some info on properly setting the color range, as well as a potential fix for those people having audio issues upon wake from suspend.

Still no problems with audio since fix here. Thank you!

Matt: I tried this and it did not work for me. Is there a way I can debug if autostart.sh is actually run when I resume from sleep? I added a line that writes the time to a log file, and I don't see that log after resuming from sleep.

jsp1: which fix are you referring to here? Is this something different than Matt's xrandr note on the wiki?


RE: Asus/HP ChromeBox EZ Setup (OpenELEC or Ubuntu+XMBC) [v2.15 - 2014/07/23] - Hannes The Hun - 2014-07-27

thanks for the hint, fritsch and Matt, should've had a look at the wiki first Wink

RE: Asus/HP ChromeBox EZ Setup (OpenELEC or Ubuntu+XMBC) [v2.15 - 2014/07/23] - jsp1 - 2014-07-27

(2014-07-27, 07:14)wallstreet1 Wrote:
(2014-07-21, 07:52)jsp1 Wrote:
(2014-07-21, 01:52)Matt Devo Wrote: updated the wiki with some info on properly setting the color range, as well as a potential fix for those people having audio issues upon wake from suspend.

Still no problems with audio since fix here. Thank you!

Matt: I tried this and it did not work for me. Is there a way I can debug if autostart.sh is actually run when I resume from sleep? I added a line that writes the time to a log file, and I don't see that log after resuming from sleep.

jsp1: which fix are you referring to here? Is this something different than Matt's xrandr note on the wiki?


Afraid that was the fix I was referring to. I didn't post a follow up that I still ran into problems here and had just been especially lucky after applying the fix and had 8-10 resumes without an audio failure. Unfortunately, the fix doesn't seem to work in all cases. Sorry for not updating about that and getting hopes up. I have a feeling you are correct and that autostart.sh only works on a fresh start or reboot. I wonder if it could be scripted to somehow run on resume? Huh

I did however, find that if you are using a harmony remote and you change up the CB power to last in the list and add a much longer delay 8-10k ms for example then you can mitigate the chances of dropping audio significantly. In my opinion the box simply resumes too fast for some AV receivers to be ready to receive a handshake properly. Since the audio device isn't something you can "keep alive" during a suspend state (especially if the AV receiver is down) then you need the script to wake it up on a delay in such a case, even if the autostart.sh is running on resume.

RE: Asus/HP ChromeBox EZ Setup (OpenELEC or Ubuntu+XMBC) [v2.15 - 2014/07/23] - jmandawg - 2014-07-27

(2014-07-27, 02:58)tetsuya Wrote:
(2014-07-26, 21:50)jmandawg Wrote: Had a few hiccups with the audio driver and video tearing. Seems like youtube does not want to exit full screen when i enable the tearing fix in xorg.


I'm using this now in Xubuntu but it will work in lubuntu also. With this it fixes the tearng and graphic corruption

Delete the 20-intel.conf file and install compton

sudo rm /usr/share/x11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:richardgv/compton
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install compton

Create a compton config file and save it in ~/.compton.conf

# Backend

# Backend to use: "xrender" or "glx".
# GLX backend is typically much faster but depends on a sane driver.
backend = "glx";

# GLX backend

glx-no-stencil = true;

# GLX backend: Copy unmodified regions from front buffer instead of redrawing them all.
# My tests with nvidia-drivers show a 10% decrease in performance when the whole screen is modified,
# but a 20% increase when only 1/4 is.
# My tests on nouveau show terrible slowdown.
# Useful with --glx-swap-method, as well.
glx-copy-from-front = false;

# GLX backend: Use MESA_copy_sub_buffer to do partial screen update.
# My tests on nouveau shows a 200% performance boost when only 1/4 of the screen is updated.
# May break VSync and is not available on some drivers.
# Overrides --glx-copy-from-front.
# glx-use-copysubbuffermesa = true;

# GLX backend: Avoid rebinding pixmap on window damage.
# Probably could improve performance on rapid window content changes, but is known to break things on some drivers (LLVMpipe).
# Recommended if it works.
# glx-no-rebind-pixmap = true;

# GLX backend: GLX buffer swap method we assume.
# Could be undefined (0), copy (1), exchange (2), 3-6, or buffer-age (-1).
# undefined is the slowest and the safest, and the default value.
# copy is fastest, but may fail on some drivers,
# 2-6 are gradually slower but safer (6 is still faster than 0).
# Usually, double buffer means 2, triple buffer means 3.
# buffer-age means auto-detect using GLX_EXT_buffer_age, supported by some drivers.
# Useless with --glx-use-copysubbuffermesa.
# Partially breaks --resize-damage.
# Defaults to undefined.
glx-swap-method = "undefined";

# Shadows

# Enabled client-side shadows on windows.
shadow = true;
# Don't draw shadows on DND windows.
no-dnd-shadow = true;
# Avoid drawing shadows on dock/panel windows.
no-dock-shadow = true;
# Zero the part of the shadow's mask behind the window. Fix some weirdness with ARGB windows.
clear-shadow = true;
# The blur radius for shadows. (default 12)
shadow-radius = 5;
# The left offset for shadows. (default -15)
shadow-offset-x = -5;
# The top offset for shadows. (default -15)
shadow-offset-y = -5;
# The translucency for shadows. (default .75)
shadow-opacity = 0.5;

# Set if you want different colour shadows
# shadow-red = 0.0;
# shadow-green = 0.0;
# shadow-blue = 0.0;

# The shadow exclude options are helpful if you have shadows enabled. Due to the way compton draws its shadows, certain applications will have visual glitches
# (most applications are fine, only apps that do weird things with xshapes or argb are affected).
# This list includes all the affected apps I found in my testing. The "! name~=''" part excludes shadows on any "Unknown" windows, this prevents a visual glitch with the XFWM alt tab switcher.
shadow-exclude = [
    "! name~=''",
    "name = 'Notification'",
    "name = 'Plank'",
    "name = 'Docky'",
    "name = 'Kupfer'",
    "name = 'xfce4-notifyd'",
    "name *= 'VLC'",
    "name *= 'compton'",
    "name *= 'Chromium'",
    "name *= 'Chrome'",
    "name *= 'Firefox'",
    "class_g = 'Conky'",
    "class_g = 'Kupfer'",
    "class_g = 'Synapse'",
    "class_g ?= 'Notify-osd'",
    "class_g ?= 'Cairo-dock'",
    "class_g ?= 'Xfce4-notifyd'",
    "class_g ?= 'Xfce4-power-manager'"
# Avoid drawing shadow on all shaped windows (see also: --detect-rounded-corners)
shadow-ignore-shaped = false;

# Opacity

menu-opacity = 1;
inactive-opacity = 1;
active-opacity = 1;
frame-opacity = 1;
inactive-opacity-override = false;
alpha-step = 0.06;

# Dim inactive windows. (0.0 - 1.0)
# inactive-dim = 0.2;
# Do not let dimness adjust based on window opacity.
# inactive-dim-fixed = true;
# Blur background of transparent windows. Bad performance with X Render backend. GLX backend is preferred.
# blur-background = true;
# Blur background of opaque windows with transparent frames as well.
# blur-background-frame = true;
# Do not let blur radius adjust based on window opacity.
blur-background-fixed = false;
blur-background-exclude = [
    "window_type = 'dock'",
    "window_type = 'desktop'"

# Fading

# Fade windows during opacity changes.
fading = true;
# The time between steps in a fade in milliseconds. (default 10).
fade-delta = 4;
# Opacity change between steps while fading in. (default 0.028).
fade-in-step = 0.03;
# Opacity change between steps while fading out. (default 0.03).
fade-out-step = 0.03;
# Fade windows in/out when opening/closing
# no-fading-openclose = true;

# Specify a list of conditions of windows that should not be faded.
fade-exclude = [ ];

# Other

# Try to detect WM windows and mark them as active.
mark-wmwin-focused = true;
# Mark all non-WM but override-redirect windows active (e.g. menus).
mark-ovredir-focused = true;
# Use EWMH _NET_WM_ACTIVE_WINDOW to determine which window is focused instead of using FocusIn/Out events.
# Usually more reliable but depends on a EWMH-compliant WM.
use-ewmh-active-win = true;
# Detect rounded corners and treat them as rectangular when --shadow-ignore-shaped is on.
detect-rounded-corners = true;

# Detect _NET_WM_OPACITY on client windows, useful for window managers not passing _NET_WM_OPACITY of client windows to frame windows.
# This prevents opacity being ignored for some apps.
# For example without this enabled my xfce4-notifyd is 100% opacity no matter what.
detect-client-opacity = true;

# Specify refresh rate of the screen.
# If not specified or 0, compton will try detecting this with X RandR extension.
refresh-rate = 0;

# Set VSync method. VSync methods currently available:
# none: No VSync
# drm: VSync with DRM_IOCTL_WAIT_VBLANK. May only work on some drivers.
# opengl: Try to VSync with SGI_video_sync OpenGL extension. Only work on some drivers.
# opengl-oml: Try to VSync with OML_sync_control OpenGL extension. Only work on some drivers.
# opengl-swc: Try to VSync with SGI_swap_control OpenGL extension. Only work on some drivers. Works only with GLX backend. Known to be most effective on many drivers. Does not actually control paint timing, only buffer swap is affected, so it doesn’t have the effect of --sw-opti unlike other methods. Experimental.
# opengl-mswc: Try to VSync with MESA_swap_control OpenGL extension. Basically the same as opengl-swc above, except the extension we use.
# (Note some VSync methods may not be enabled at compile time.)
vsync = "opengl-swc";

# Enable DBE painting mode, intended to use with VSync to (hopefully) eliminate tearing.
# Reported to have no effect, though.
dbe = false;
# Painting on X Composite overlay window. Recommended.
paint-on-overlay = true;

# Limit compton to repaint at most once every 1 / refresh_rate second to boost performance.
# This should not be used with --vsync drm/opengl/opengl-oml as they essentially does --sw-opti's job already,
# unless you wish to specify a lower refresh rate than the actual value.
sw-opti = false;

# Unredirect all windows if a full-screen opaque window is detected, to maximize performance for full-screen windows, like games.
# Known to cause flickering when redirecting/unredirecting windows.
# paint-on-overlay may make the flickering less obvious.
unredir-if-possible = true;

# Specify a list of conditions of windows that should always be considered focused.
focus-exclude = [ ];

# Use WM_TRANSIENT_FOR to group windows, and consider windows in the same group focused at the same time.
detect-transient = true;
# Use WM_CLIENT_LEADER to group windows, and consider windows in the same group focused at the same time.
# WM_TRANSIENT_FOR has higher priority if --detect-transient is enabled, too.
detect-client-leader = true;

# Window type settings

    tooltip =
        # fade: Fade the particular type of windows.
        fade = true;
        # shadow: Give those windows shadow
        shadow = false;
        # opacity: Default opacity for the type of windows.
        opacity = 0.85;
        # focus: Whether to always consider windows of this type focused.
        focus = true;

Create a ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart file to load compton with the following

compton -b &

You can restart your chromebox or manually start compton from the terminal

compton -b &

Thanks for the help tetsuya I actually installed compiz/emerald and it also fixed the tearing problem.

Does anyone know if you can drive multiple monitors on the chromebox? I don't have a displayport adapter to test.

Re: RE: Asus/HP ChromeBox EZ Setup (OpenELEC or Ubuntu+XMBC) [v2.15 - 2014/07/23] - Matt Devo - 2014-07-27

(2014-07-27, 14:27)jmandawg Wrote: Does anyone know if you can drive multiple monitors on the chromebox? I don't have a displayport adapter to test.


RE: Asus/HP ChromeBox EZ Setup and streaming - wally_666 - 2014-07-27

Quote:My main use will be to stream movies and TV shows over WiFI. My wireless router is not very far away (20 feet) but a wired connection is not really an option with how my basement suite is set up. I have been using an OUYA for almost a year now and while it works fine for the most part, there is a whole lot of room for improvement.

I've played with streaming a bit using my wifi connected Chromebox XBMC/OpenELEC as the source. Have so far had no luck with streaming video to my Wife's Nook HD+ (music works so the problem is on the Nook side of things), but I've got it working to our Ubuntu 10.04 quad core desktops using djmount as mentioned in this thread: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=135507 as a test to figure out if the Chromebox video streaming was OK or not.

My desktop has a gigabit wired ethernet connection to the ASUS 802.11AC wireless router. With VLC I can play 13 Mb/s 1920x1080 60i videos recorded with our Hauppauge HD-PVR just fine. My wife's desktop is connected by 802.11N wifi and it drops about 100 frames in 6000 with VLC, and is very noticeable in high motion scenes.

My conclusion is wifi source and wifi client will be problematic with HD videos, but wired to wifi or vice-versa should be OK. Its been a real long time since I've used a single monitor desktop.

Quote:Does anyone know if you can drive multiple monitors on the chromebox?
How would multiple monitors on a Chromebox be useful? I have a spare 1920x1080 LCD monitor I could try if there would become a motivation for buying an adapter.

RE: Asus/HP ChromeBox EZ Setup (OpenELEC or Ubuntu+XMBC) [v2.15 - 2014/07/23] - jmandawg - 2014-07-27

(2014-07-27, 19:26)wally_666 Wrote: How would multiple monitors on a Chromebox be useful? I have a spare 1920x1080 LCD monitor I could try if there would become a motivation for buying an adapter.

Going to use it as a desktop Linux box hooked up to a monitor and Tv. Matt says it works so no need to test. Thanks Matt.

RE: Asus/HP ChromeBox EZ Setup (OpenELEC or Ubuntu+XMBC) [v2.15 - 2014/07/23] - wally_666 - 2014-07-27

(2014-07-27, 19:58)jmandawg Wrote:
(2014-07-27, 19:26)wally_666 Wrote: How would multiple monitors on a Chromebox be useful? I have a spare 1920x1080 LCD monitor I could try if there would become a motivation for buying an adapter.

Going to use it as a desktop Linux box hooked up to a monitor and Tv. Matt says it works so no need to test. Thanks Matt.

Sorry I missed the context, I was wondering how a second monitor could be useful with a dedicated XBMC setup. Maybe if all the things you can make "popup" when a video was playing would automatically go to the second screen instead .... But I'm starting to think about a second Chromebox just to play around with, I've been very impressed with the price/performance, and over the years ASUS hardware has always given me great service life and bang/buck value.