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Release fTV Fred Edition - with full working and integrated LiveTV part - Printable Version

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RE: fTV Fred Edition - with full working and integrated LiveTV part - UsefulG - 2016-10-17

@sualfred I'm having problems with the TVShows widget displaying the FTV smart playlists. I have reset and recreated the widgets and even removed the skin and skin userdata folders and recreated and still getting an issue.

watch gallery

I have created to lines in the widget, the first for In Progress TV Shows and the second for Top Rated TV Shows using the FTV playlists and not all of the posters are displaying but the poster artwork is there when I browse into either playlist (see 2nd and 3rd pictures). I have created an In Progress Movies and Top Rated movies sections in Movies and these work correctly (see 4th picture). Do you have any ideas?

RE: fTV Fred Edition - with full working and integrated LiveTV part - UsefulG - 2016-10-17

Just to add I am using the latest Krypton skin from your repo and

•script.toolbox v 1.1.1
•script.favourites v 6.0.3
•script.extendedinfo v 5.5.1
•script.globalsearch v 7.3.1
•script.skinshortcuts v 1.0.11
•script.artwork.downloader v 13.1.0
•script.skin.helper.service v 1.0.116

RE: fTV Fred Edition - with full working and integrated LiveTV part - sualfred - 2016-10-17

Hmm.. it seems to me that the poster artworks aren't scraped or set to the ListItem value. It's def. not skin related, sry.

The value "ListItem.Icon" is used, which is filled by Kodi. Are you running a Beta or Nightly of Krypton?

RE: fTV Fred Edition - with full working and integrated LiveTV part - UsefulG - 2016-10-17

No Problem, I was coming to the same conclusion.

I tried a different skin just now which has skin widgets and it doesn't work in there either.

I suspect that the problem came scanning for new content in the video library when adding a new bluray iso file which corrupted the infolabels for older files which used the Local Information scraper. To test the theory I removed one of the TV Shows that weren't working for me in the 1st image and added to library using TVDB scaper and the poster appeared in the widget.

So I've removed all TV shows from my library and rescraping using TVDB to see if that fixes the problem.

Danke schön anyway and I love this skin.

RE: fTV Fred Edition - with full working and integrated LiveTV part - UsefulG - 2016-10-17

Yup, Library issues. Thank goodness it was TV shows rather than movies, that would have taken a while.

RE: fTV Fred Edition - with full working and integrated LiveTV part - alipendier - 2016-10-18


Do you know (or can implement) a way to password protect widgets? Say you have a tab for kids and want access to just that, or the other way around, Thanks Cool

RE: fTV Fred Edition - with full working and integrated LiveTV part - sualfred - 2016-10-19

Not possible.
But there is an addon available to protect the videoplayer with a PIN based on the ratings. Just search for it, I forgot the name.

RE: fTV Fred Edition - with full working and integrated LiveTV part - UsefulG - 2016-10-19


RE: fTV Fred Edition - with full working and integrated LiveTV part - sualfred - 2016-10-19

Ah, yep. Thanks, that's the one.

RE: fTV Fred Edition - with full working and integrated LiveTV part - alipendier - 2016-10-19

(2016-10-19, 08:41)UsefulG Wrote: Pinsentry?

(2016-10-19, 09:40)sualfred Wrote: Ah, yep. Thanks, that's the one.

Already using that as the next best thing but just not quite the same, thanks Cool

Are you considering the extendedinfo integration? or is there a way to manually set it to default library player? Cool

RE: fTV Fred Edition - with full working and integrated LiveTV part - sualfred - 2016-10-19

Extenedinfo is integrated but I won't use strange unstable hacks to use it as default.

RE: fTV Fred Edition - with full working and integrated LiveTV part - alipendier - 2016-10-19

(2016-10-19, 22:33)sualfred Wrote: Extenedinfo is integrated but I won't use strange unstable hacks to use it as default.

Cool, didn't expect it to require that much thanks Cool

fTV Fred Edition - with full working and integrated LiveTV part - User 261549 - 2016-10-21


Amazon appears to be setting to make a new UI, would you stick to the current look or adapt when the time comes ?

Sent from my LG-ls990

RE: fTV Fred Edition - with full working and integrated LiveTV part - sualfred - 2016-10-21

Only if I'm bored and sick of the current one. And if I'll ever find some more free time again Wink

RE: fTV Fred Edition - with full working and integrated LiveTV part - alipendier - 2016-10-22


1. Is there a way to manually set YouTube channels as widgets? I'm asking because there are many times the YouTube add-on search function for some reason does not produce the correct channels, playlists etc I tried creating a .STRM and .M3U files and it shows that the playlists load to kodi at startup but I cant get them to be displayed as widgets, even though the skin asked whether I want to play or display. Say I want to manually set these to display:

or even better yet if I can manually add a channel like /channel/UCPBI1VCLDVUr4DLbF56RTyA Big Grin

2. This is likely my final attempt on trying for banners but I saw your video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-DoHjeb5yM and thought of this. Is it possible to expand these style banners to the max size that would fit he height for the aspect ratio of the fTV banner, align it to the right, and then fill in the left side with a background or solid color since that side is for your texts anyway (e.g Nothing to watch? Try xxxxx), hope what I am saying here makes sense. Just still trying here, thanks Cool