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Kodi Media Player Options with 3D MVC & HD Audio - Printable Version

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RE: Media Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - clarkss12 - 2015-12-02

(2015-12-02, 15:13)wrxtasy Wrote:
Quote:Vidon XBMC Pro (KODI)
Would you really trust VidOn ever ever again ?

There is likely to be Open Source Warfare breakout here on the forums if that GPL violating version of VidOn XBMC Pro ever popups it head up on here again. They really have upset too many in the Kodi Open Source community already.

Sorry, guess you are correct. I don't trust Vidon either.

RE: Media Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - hdmkv - 2015-12-02

Talk about the hype!

RE: Media Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - movie78 - 2015-12-02

(2015-12-02, 16:33)hdmkv Wrote: Talk about the hype!

With ViDon XBMC.Nod

How is Vidon managing to Get their XBMC to play 3D ISO and BD Menu

RE: Media Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - hdmkv - 2015-12-02

I'm wondering that too... what's their secret sauce? If only they complied with GPL, we'd all benefit.

RE: Media Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - Koying - 2015-12-02

They're the same company as (or belong to) DVDFab, so they know one thing or two regarding BD Wink

P.S. In all fairness, whatever they use to access BD is probably theirs and theirs only, so I think no GPL violation there.

RE: Media Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - movie78 - 2015-12-02

I know.....

They seems to be the only manufacture that understand how to implement their software with Kodi.

Too bad they don't want to share their knowledge.

RE: Media Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - hdmkv - 2015-12-02

As VidOn's hardware business is dead, only way for them to make money is software (via Tronsmart, Minix, etc.), so they're protecting their know-how there.

RE: Media Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - Koying - 2015-12-02

Obviously. The only way they would make their BD code open-source is if they went out-of-business, and with A LOT of goodwill.
I have big doubts the second part will ever happen, even if the first do, as that might also potentially damage DVDFab.

RE: Media Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - movie78 - 2015-12-02

Kodi use to have a good relationship with ViDon..

RE: Media Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - NASbeginner - 2015-12-03

What I am missing about Vidon? If they offer full blu-ray menu support, is the new Tronsmart Vega S95 not a good option go with? However, I do see they are using Kodi 14.2?

RE: Media Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - movie78 - 2015-12-03

VidOn doesn't keep up with their kodi update.

RE: Media Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - setumismo - 2015-12-03

(2015-12-02, 16:33)hdmkv Wrote: Talk about the hype!

It looks good (and good price). I hope you get your hands for you to tell us if it's as good as it looks

RE: Media Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - wrxtasy - 2015-12-03

(2015-12-03, 04:58)NASbeginner Wrote: What I am missing about Vidon? If they offer full blu-ray menu support, is the new Tronsmart Vega S95 not a good option go with? However, I do see they are using Kodi 14.2?
VidOn are a known GPL violator. They used to be a Kodi Sponsor too. The relationship with the Kodi community became so bad it was bordering on hostile at one stage. The only option left in the end was to not renew their sponsorship. They may have even been banned from the forum.

GPL = General Public Licence:

Why GPL compliance so important to Kodi ?

Simply - Kodi is Open Source Software, its a collaborative project with many thousand of volunteer Coders, Artists, Audio guys, Bug testers and more contributing towards a common goal - to make Kodi the best damn Media Player on the Planet !

Kodi is licensed for distribution under the GNU General Public License, version 2.
Rules have to be followed with this licence, the most important one regarding re-distribution - a summary:
Quote:The GPL does not require you to release your modified version. You are free to make modifications and use them privately, without ever releasing them. This applies to organizations (including companies), too; an organization can make a modified version and use it internally without ever releasing it outside the organization.

But if you release the modified version to the public in some way, the GPL requires you to make the modified source code available to the program's users, under the GPL.

The second paragraph here is important, because if modified source code (such as Kodi's) is not shared. It only benefits the one individual or one single company and not the wider Open Source Community. Individuals or companies not sharing are classified as GPL Violators and can actually end up being prosecuted. If everyone did not share modified code to re-distribute and contribute back to the Kodi project, progress would go nowhere.

So now we come back to VidOn, the known GPL Violator with their modified XBMC version that supposedly adds 3D MVC playback and HD Audio passthrough to an AMLogic box. If XBMC / Kodi source code is modified in any way to enable these features, they have to make the code available when end users request it. I doubt they will as Tronsmart will want a competitive advantage over it competitors.

If this occurs, it basically amounts to a Big Fat Middle Finger raised to the entire Kodi and Open Source Community. Most of the code in that version of XBMC / Kodi on that box they are selling comes from Kodi volunteers.
Greed and profit is more important to companies such as these.

Note: I believe, if 3D MVC Video and HD Audio Passthrough can be played using some sort of customised Android Media App, called from within Kodi itself (via playercorefactory or similar), then that Media App's source code does not have to be shared.

RE: Media Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - Skank - 2015-12-03

Interesting indeed, will keep an eye on this

RE: Media Player Choices with Kodi + Full 3D + HD Audio - RockerC - 2015-12-03

(2015-12-03, 12:22)wrxtasy Wrote:
(2015-12-03, 04:58)NASbeginner Wrote: What I am missing about Vidon? If they offer full blu-ray menu support, is the new Tronsmart Vega S95 not a good option go with? However, I do see they are using Kodi 14.2?
VidOn are a known GPL violator. They used to be a Kodi Sponsor too. The relationship with the Kodi community became so bad it was bordering on hostile at one stage. The only option left in the end was to not renew their sponsorship. They may have even been banned from the forum.

GPL = General Public Licence:

Why GPL compliance so important to Kodi ?

Simply - Kodi is Open Source Software, its a collaborative project with many thousand of volunteer Coders, Artists, Audio guys, Bug testers and more contributing towards a common goal - to make Kodi the best damn Media Player on the Planet !

Kodi is licensed for distribution under the GNU General Public License, version 2.
Rules have to be followed with this licence, the most important one regarding re-distribution ...

VidOn does not only violate the GPL license, they also violate the Kodi/XBMC trademarks and copyrights by not fully and completly rebranding their applications.


Even if they would change their ways and start complying with the GPL they also need to change their usage of the "Kodi" and "XBMC" trademarked names. There for starters the could begin by not calling their software for "VidOn XBMC" and "VidOn XBMC Pro":


Doing this does nothing to help their reputation and respect within the Kodi/XBMC community, never mind the grander open source community.

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