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Beta Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - Printable Version

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RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-02

(2017-03-02, 05:32)oattes Wrote: Re-adding the widgets worked for many, but not the 'weather' widget nor the 'system info' widget.

OK, fixed in next update but you'll have to re-add them once more.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-02

(2017-03-02, 05:38)oattes Wrote: Measure from the top or bottom as you like, but if the low edge of the widgets bounce from low to high on the screen when you cycle through them, that's very visually displeasing.

Offcourse but like I said, I didn't check every use case. It should be fixed properly in next update.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-02

(2017-03-02, 08:58)PX80 Wrote: Question1: is there a chance to configure the widget rows in netflix2 style to contain more items? currently its limited and last item will open Page2 in the Addon and not in the Widget


also you said, kodi offers the possebility to disable "parent items"

I cant find this option in Kodi Krypton. Maybe this can be a feature for the Titan Skin as well!?

Question3: What does optimize perf. for low end system does in detail?

Question4: is there a changelog?

1) Switch to the latest beta version, it has support for unlimited widget rows. Page 2 in addon is not a skin issue.

2) No, it's a default Kodi setting, hidden somewhere in the Video library settings.Look more carfull in the kodi settings.

3) Disable some power hungry features such as video background, some animations etc.

4) Yes, it's on Trello. See my signature.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-02

(2017-03-02, 11:07)himisk71 Wrote: 1) I disabled and cleared cache, but does not change
2) i should do report this to "universal artist scraper" i think as the information come from this i guess.

1) Huh cache? I didn't mention anything about that. I told you to disable the setting for fake discart images, it's in the skin settings.

2) No, it has nothing to do with the universal artist scraper. It was/is a skin issue. I can't test it myself but I have published a new version last night which should fix it so please update to the latest beta version and test again.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-02

(2017-03-02, 11:20)evensteven Wrote: I second that. For example when you use horizontal menu and the next episode widget in Poster mode, the Poster will overlay a part of the horizontal menu when the busy spinner is shown after watching an episode, when the widget gets updated. That really looks ugly and not as intended. I don't really care if the spinner is shown on the left or right.

It was a bug and I fixed it. Available in next update. To have the busy spinner on the right (and have all widgets aligned to the right) you can enable the "align widgets to the right" option in the skin settings.

(2017-03-02, 11:20)evensteven Wrote: Regarding the widget title been shown now. I like it. Maybe you can make it optional to show it, if others don't like it.

Sorry, with today's fixes to better align the widgets it's now impossible to show the title so in next update the title will again only be visible when you focus the widget.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-02

(2017-03-02, 11:48)himisk71 Wrote: in the records area i have broadcasts with no information, while before when they are in the timer area have information and a logo (the tv station logo).
see screenshot 1 and 2 and 3 for the settings.

It's because of the grouped recordings listing... some pvr addons report that really strange so it's impossible to find out the actual metadata belonging to the recordings. Try to use the contextmenu --> artwork settings --> manual lookup

Which pvr backend are you using ?

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - oattes - 2017-03-02

(2017-03-02, 19:01)marcelveldt Wrote: As for aligning the widgets to the right, notice there's a setting "align widgets to the right" in skin settings --> homescreen layout.

It's not the widget alignment -- rather the alignment of the busy glyph. It was on the right, now it's on the left. Also, but less important, the widget name was also aligned right (beside the ^). Is all alignment - widget, glyph and name controlled by the same parameter?

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - Fake Healer - 2017-03-02

marcelveldt!!! I've been using your skin(s) forever now, I love them. You are a BOSS!!!
I do have a question tho. I'm using Krypton > Netflix Style Homemenu Layout 2 > When I'm in the Sidemenu, the background images I've selected are not showing. It's just black. I can see them showing in the Skin Settings - Configure Shortcuts Menu. On the previous release, the backgrounds would show in the Top Right. Am I missing a step somewhere?
Again, I * Hou van je werk*. I hope that's right?Smile

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - eengert - 2017-03-02

After the update, the square submenu line is now pushed down below the header (see screenshot). Prior to this update, the submenu was able to be displayed in the same row as the header, flush with the top of the screen. This new behavior loses a fair amount of real estate for the widgets. Can it be changed back to the way it was?

Also, some widgets don't seem to be honoring the global widget layout style. In my screenshot, you can see that the "Progress" widget appears empty. I had it's layout set to None (global). When I changed it to a different layout, it displays properly. So I had to individually set the layout for each widget to get them all to work properly.


RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-02

(2017-03-02, 13:48)PX80 Wrote: does animated fan art work for you? do i need to install something else to make it work?

Yes, there is a setting in skin settings --> media library views to enable it.
Be aware that animated fanart is very rare, only a few movies have it available.
You can also use the context menu to manually specify animated art: With a movie selected, open the contextmenu and select animated art

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-02

(2017-03-02, 13:16)Aventus Wrote: Sub menu don't work anymore after the new beta update
Netflix2 Layout
I see the submenu live tv, setting, movies.... but i can only Click on them before the update on setting there was a submenu filemanager, skin settings...
And for live tv there was epg, channels, recordings...

What happens if you press the Right key when you stand on a mainmenu item ?
Does it open the submenu than ?

EDIT: nvm, I see the issue already, will fix it.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - Gtmnyc - 2017-03-02

i can pm or email you as i dont have permissions

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-02

(2017-03-02, 17:13)pence Wrote: 3 quick questions regarding the new update...

1: Previously using Modern Vertical, and the widget frame only displayed the 4 widgets that were related to the menu item. Tv shows under Tv shows, Movies under Movies. Now all the widgets I have show up regardless of what menu i am under.

2: I cannot seem to get rid of the weather widget. It is not selected as one of my programmed widgets for any menu item, and ive tried turning weather off in kodi settings.

3: You said earlier that adding ratings to modern vertical was coming soon to a theater near you. (paraphrasing lol) jw if this is included in the new update!

Thank you Marcel for all you do. I just read through the last few pages, and i was amazed to see all the answers to questions you provided. Killer skinner and faceman!

1) In the skin settings disable "Show all widgets (detach from mainmenu)"

2) Weather widget or weather info in the header of the skin ? I think you mean weather info in the header.. Skin setings --> general skin settings --> Configure header for Homescreen --> make sure that weather is not selected there.

3) Not yet but soon it will be available.First priority is getting the new stable version out and this widget change had to be in it. I think somewhere next week.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-02

(2017-03-02, 19:18)cookem Wrote: after update to the latest beta the recently added episodes widget is not showing any shows.

Should still work, try to reassign the widget and/or set the widget style. Some stuff changed which is is not backwards compatible.

RE: Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton) - User 224999 - 2017-03-02

(2017-03-02, 20:29)oattes Wrote: It's not the widget alignment -- rather the alignment of the busy glyph. It was on the right, now it's on the left. Also, but less important, the widget name was also aligned right (beside the ^). Is all alignment - widget, glyph and name controlled by the same parameter?

Yes, that settings controls it all and was previously exactly the same. Only difference is that before it was by default to the right and you could disable that and now it's default to the left and you can set it to the right. So, enable that setting and please test the next beta.;-)

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