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XBMC for Linux 2.1 SVN revision 12195 (potential alpha 1) available for testing - Printable Version

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- topfs2 - 2008-04-18

Do you think it would be possible to package up the EventClients as well in the next release? tools/EventClients/Clients/*
Build instructions on them should be in tools/EventClients/README.txt

They are networkable remote controlls which are plug an play.
something along the lines of xbmc-eventclients-*, were sudo apt-get install xbmc-eventclients would fetch them all, seems suitable?
Note that these shouldn't require XBMC as they can be run from computer A and communicate with computer B (Which have XBMC).

They are however "designed" too run from there locations (They have dependencies on icons which reside in tools/EventClients/icons/ and libraries from tools/EventClients/lib/ so they need a bit of tweak too work perfectly. I can change them and mail them too you if you want?

Dependency list for them IIRC:
PS3 Sixaxis - PyBluez (and python)
PS3 Blueray - PyBluez (and python)
WiiRemote - libbluetooth and libcwiid
J2ME - PyBluez (and python)

A note on the last one is that it only needs j2me_remote.py too be packaged as the other files are for creating the J2ME application that goes on the phone.

The last 2 have changed too use keymap.xml but that isn't in svn so they won't run "out-of-box" but I have no idea how to package that? possible with a diff or something?

- wattazoum - 2008-04-18

It's possible to package what is in a directory that you specify. But I'll need to know where to put the files in the target system. I can also make them independent of XBMC (I mean as an install dependency)
As for the dependencies on icons, I'll look at the code and tell you what need to be done (if I understand the code of course :-p). I'll need your help for the library dependencies.

- topfs2 - 2008-04-19

I have globalized the iconpath for WiiRemote, so change g_BluetoothIconPath in WiiRemote.cpp line 33 to whatever you need it to be before compile.
If you compile the WiiRemote client from that folder structure it should be fine, if you need to move this, ie if we want something alike sudo apt-get install xbmc-eventclients-dev
It might be a good Idea to put tools/EventClient/lib/c++/xbmcclient.h
into /usr/include/xbmc/xbmcclient.h
Also move the python stuffs from tools/EventClient/lib/python/*
into /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/xbmc/*

If you want to be able to compile the WiiRemote from apt-get source xbmc-eventclients-wiiremote you then you need to change line 54 in WiiRemote.h from
#include "../../lib/c++/xbmcclient.h"
#include <xbmc/xbmcclient.h>
And it would then need xbmc-eventclients-dev
I haven't had time yet to check out the python based once. Will do this as soon I get some time.

How to start xbmc (new on linux) - lout - 2008-05-03

I instal ubuntu 7.1 + updates then driver for nvidia after that i install xbmc_2.1a1_svn12195-0ubuntu1_i386.deb then i go directory of xbmc clik on xboxmediacenter app its open and close immidiatly thnx m

- topfs2 - 2008-05-03

Sounds like a segment fault. Try the newest from svn instead, if that doesn't work the please provide a log.


- devanl - 2008-05-05

Hardy Heron support yet?

- rodalpho - 2008-05-05

There's no such thing as support. XBMC does work on 8.04 but the devs aren't running it on their own machines yet so YMMV. I'm sticking with 7.10 myself.

- devanl - 2008-05-06

I suppose what I meant more was if there was a launchpad to add to the source list for it.

- wattazoum - 2008-05-12

please find this PPA to add in your source.list on hardy.
I'll put there all releases for hardy.
Since there is no official release for hardy yet, I am putting there svn builds from time to time.

- rodalpho - 2008-05-12

Would be nice if the devs would commit to one of these builds being alpha2. 12195 is positively ancient. Clearly the previously defined structured release of tested potentials for each major release (alpha1, 2, etc) isn't going to happen, so we should consider doing regular releases direct from SVN for users' convenience.

- wattazoum - 2008-05-12


I have created a patch to be able to build and install eventclients. However I have modified the python scripts to have use the install location. I think this can't be used as is, if you want to put it on svn. the wii remote files are however well done IMO :
find the patch here

- topfs2 - 2008-05-12

Hi, I've discussed this patch with d4rk. we came up with some other ideas on how to handle the iconpaths (so it becomes more future proof)
Basicly for the c++ ones just #define ICON_PATH "/usr/share/pixmaps/xbmc/" would be good, then WiiRemote can just do a #ifdef ICON_PATH routine

For the python ones we though of putting a xbmc.defs in $(prefix)/lib/python2.5/site-packages/xbmc/
Then we can do
if (ICON_PATH) routine on that one aswell.

So the make would need to generate xbmc.def that contains that constant.

I'll update the clients with these changes if these suggestions seems ok to you?

Thx for the help mate!

- wattazoum - 2008-05-12

Good for me !

One thing I need you to keep in mind is : the path embedded in the code (like ICON_PATH) might be different from the INSTALL_PATH. When creating a deb package, the install path is in a 'tmp' directory, but the binary will run from /usr/bin on the user machine.
This should be kept in mind cause the 'tmp' directory step is often forgotten and the INSTALL PATH is couple to the binary code.

- topfs2 - 2008-05-12

As long as the ICON_PATH will be an absolute path then I'm sure it won't pose any problems.
I'll try to commit the changes to the EventClients ASAP (I'll wait with the make files until we have them creating the defines and such)

- topfs2 - 2008-05-13

Ok, commited. -DDEB_PACK will change it to the correct headers for the wiiremote (I hope I can remove this need somewere down the road)