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Aeon TAJO - Leia - Printable Version

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RE: Aeon TAJO - manfeed - 2019-03-23

You should ask to the addon’s provider, the skin works fine with local files.

RE: Aeon TAJO - magnetic - 2019-03-23

(2019-03-23, 09:52)manfeed Wrote: You should ask to the addon’s provider, the skin works fine with local files.

I know the skin works good. I'm just saying is there an easier way to set the view type. Just to go faster. I'm having to go through all the add-ons and in their settings changing view type. I was wondering if the skin had one setting to change it all how you want the view types

RE: Aeon TAJO - Jebelis - 2019-03-23

I am running that cool skin (new to kodi here, still learning everyday) and i am wondering is there a way to include tvmelodies with kodi aoen tajo skin to play automatically the theme song from a tv series (let’s say Ncis for example) like it’s does on my plex server.... imhave installed the tvmelodies addon on my kodi, but no theme song is playing with my tv series... is there a special way to configure it on my aeon tajo skin in order to make it work?
Any help appreciated....

RE: Aeon TAJO - manfeed - 2019-03-23

To play themes you don’t need tvmelodies, here you have more information...


...I don't know about plex server, though...

RE: Aeon TAJO - Jebelis - 2019-03-23

Ooohhh... very interesting.. thanks!
I love this skin... so far i learn how to customize it slowly! Possible to change the background image at start?
Just curious...

Also, i get a « cherry depedency» script error from time to time...any idea?

RE: Aeon TAJO - Dumyat - 2019-03-25

Hi @manfeed 
Many congrats on your skin. It's looking great.
I watched the Youtube clip on the first page and noticed you have a few animations in place where poster flips by 180Degs to show something different on the reverse side. I must say I've been quite taken with this type of animation. Are you able to point me to a good example of the code in your skin, as I would like to have a better understanding of how this animation is created/works.

I really like your 3D views. The ones I have tried so far are beautiful and the navigation is very fluid.
I think I've spotted a wee bug you might want to take at look at on the LiveTv section (If you are not aware of it already). When playing a channel and displaying the player controls, if you select the 4th icon from the right (TV Icon), there appears to be a problem as shown below:-

Again, well done on doing a super job!

RE: Aeon TAJO - manfeed - 2019-03-25

Hi @Dumyat

Thanks! Since I don't use the LiveTv section it's hard for me to spot those issues... it will be fixed in the next update.

If you want examples of flip animations you can have a look at View_595_Shelf3D.xml and search for "rotatey" animations with "180" or "-180" in start or finish parameters... it's quite tricky, though... I literally spent days trying to make them look right.

RE: Aeon TAJO - Dumyat - 2019-03-25

(2019-03-25, 12:26)manfeed Wrote: Thanks! Since I don't use the LiveTv section it's hard for me to spot those issues... it will be fixed in the next update.
Ahh, I understand. I think it may have something to do with the Enigma Styled Channels OSD, as when I selected that option in the Live TV Mod Settings in the sideblade, what you see now completely disappears. Maybe that will help to track down the issue. 

Yeah, I remember seeing some code of this animation maybe 2/3 years ago on Madnox, but my overall knowledge was quite limited at the time. I'll certainly take a look your example. Many thanks for the tip. Smile  

RE: Aeon TAJO - Jeffers24 - 2019-03-26

I have created a build, I have a favourite 'CDs'

I associated the favourite with the top menu item and the first submenu item.

When I select the top level menu 'CDs' I get this displayed, which is not what I wanted/expected:-

When I select the submenu 'CDs' I get this which is what I wanted/expected:-

How do I make the top level 'CDs' favourite, display the same as the submenu 'CDs' favorite?

RE: Aeon TAJO - RPico - 2019-03-26

Hi @manfeed

I'm re-mastering my household Kodi systems for Leia, and I'm currently wringing out your skin, it looks like a good successor to Nox plus a couple of new twists. I have a couple of questions:

-Is it pronounced TA-JOE or TA-HOE?

-The default background art exhibits color-cycling. Can I use this feature with custom artwork?

RE: Aeon TAJO - manfeed - 2019-03-26

(2019-03-26, 20:54)RPico Wrote: Hi @manfeed

I'm re-mastering my household Kodi systems for Leia, and I'm currently wringing out your skin, it looks like a good successor to Nox plus a couple of new twists. I have a couple of questions:

-Is it pronounced TA-JOE or TA-HOE?

-The default background art exhibits color-cycling. Can I use this feature with custom artwork?

It's hard for me to explain the pronunciation in English, if you really want to know, try this...


Of course you can tinker with your own artwork, it won't be easy to get a nice effect, though...

RE: Aeon TAJO - defleppard - 2019-03-27

jaja, in spanish , tajo it`s like  a deep cut, but in Argentina tajo means something like as* line... Nod

RE: Aeon TAJO - Edworld - 2019-03-27

(2019-03-26, 20:54)RPico Wrote: Hi @manfeed

I'm re-mastering my household Kodi systems for Leia, and I'm currently wringing out your skin, it looks like a good successor to Nox plus a couple of new twists. I have a couple of questions:

-Is it pronounced TA-JOE or TA-HOE?

-The default background art exhibits color-cycling. Can I use this feature with custom artwork?

RE: Aeon TAJO - Jeffers24 - 2019-03-27

A couple of queries on the weather page.

I can't see the background option when you go left on the weather screen, it's there in Aeon Nox 17.6:-


After setting the weather widget in settings, it doesn't show until you press the up key:-


Would you let me know how to sort thes two points?

RE: Aeon TAJO - manfeed - 2019-03-27

(2019-03-27, 02:37)defleppard Wrote: jaja, in spanish , tajo it`s like  a deep cut, but in Argentina tajo means something like as* line... Nod

Rofl The truth is that the skin is named after Tajo river, which flows beside my town... Wink

In case you are curious about it... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tagus