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Animated Movie Fanarts/Landscapes - Printable Version

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Animated Movie Fanarts/Landscapes - chrissix666 - 2019-06-29

Please visit KyraDB -> https://www.kyradb.com

This thread is the offspring of the official Animated Posters Thread founded by @movie78  in January 2015,
visit here -> https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=215727


Many members have since then collected animated poster content found from entire web and shared in this thread.
Some have even engaged also in content creation and have become - how should i say, some kind of "godfathers" of animated artwork for Kodi:
Special mention @schimi2k done a really lot of stuff, unfortunately he passed away in August 2016, this was his last work https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=215727&pid=2384658#pid2384658
Also special mention @mouflo, he is been on the project since the first hour and can still be seen from time to time. Lot's of AAA quality content (if not the most) is his creation.

Really not to forget @rschiks, also there since the first our, and one of the main participants of the project. I personally call him the collector.
Although sometimes an animated fanart got posted animated poster thread, the main focus has always been on animated posters.
But when the first Skins (+SkinHelperService) integrated animated poster, they also included support for animated fanart.
@rschiks has since collected huge available animated fanart content (in background).

The largest central collection of animated poster and animated fanart is on @rschiks  website KyraDB.
Since the beginning of 2019 KyraDB also has API support and could be integrated with Addons/HelperScripts/MediaManager ....
Visit here the KyraDB website, you can search a movie and look if there are animated poster or animated fanart storaged -> https://www.kyradb.com
(KyraDB provides also Character Art PNG's for Movies - cause fanart.tv only have them for TvShows, and Actress PNG's for certain Actresses)
Visit here the KyraDB thread -> https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=343391&pid=2849737#pid2849737

In fact there are more animated fanart, than animated poster available in the KyraDB collection:
Animated posters: 624
Animated backgrounds: 719


What is the difference between a Fanart and a Landscape?
a Fanart is textless
a Landscape has still a title logo (or other lettering) on it.

Can i also use animated poster and animated fanart without skin support?
Yes, by just replacing the main artwork in kodi. It's then not an own artwork type, just replacing the fanart.jpg or poster.jpg.
If you want that animated poster and animated fanart is handled seperate (own artwork type) this needs skin support.
Network limitation warning:
Kodi doesn't save animated artwork to the texture cache and will not play them (only displaying the first frame) unless they are stored on a client-local file system.
In other words animated artwork do not work across networks. The image must be local to the Kodi installation or on a local drive Kodi accessing directly.

If i want use them as own artwork types, are these (animated poster, animated fanart) official artwork types supported by kodi?
No, not by Kodi itself, only if supported by the Skin itself and SkinHelperService (and i hope in future by other Addons/HelperScripts/MediaManagers with KyraDB API)
Animated poster and animated fanart are just "semi official" artwork types, but enough to be mentioned in the kodi wiki.
See point 2.3 in wiki -> https://kodi.wiki/view/Artwork_types#Animated_artwork
In fact since Kodi 17 you can create your own artwork types and call them whatever you want.
But the important thing is that a custom artwork type only make sense to the general audience, when a naming convention exist.
Not only the skin has to support this but also the Scraper/HelperScripts/MediaMananger... -> uniformity for interaction is needed

What is the naming convention?
This is only important for you if you want them use as local artwork nearby your movies/tvshows.
Naming is "animatedposter.gif" and "animatedfanart.gif".
In movies, if your local artwork has Moviefilename as prefix then name it "Moviefilename-animatedposter.gif" and "Moviefilename-animatedfanart.gif"
But please name all the same, either all with Moviefilename as prefix, or without.

Can i also use animated fanart as extrafanart?
Sure, no problem! (note limitations over network)
Both common systems,
the (in my option old) extrafanart folder system -> Point 2.1 https://kodi.wiki/view/Artwork_types#extrafanart_Folder
or the newer, smoother extrafanart as artworktype system -> Point 1.8 https://kodi.wiki/view/Artwork_types#fanart.23
...is functional, kodi doesn't care the file extension, you can also make a extension mixup (.jpg, .gif. .png)
But the same rules like main fanart apply to the frames and file size limitations that's working well.

I want post content find on the web or maybe create content, are there some kind technical conventions that should be considered?
1) First of all, before post some content be sure that it's not already storaged in the KyraDB -> https://www.kyradb.com
2) Aspect Ratio: For any reason i do not quite understand, most of animated fanart are in Ultra Widescreen CinemaScope (2.35:1) not normal Widescreen (1.78:1)
If you want the the animated fanart will get collected in KyraDB, i advise you do to it same. But if not, post it anyway.
Common resolutions in KyraDB are: 500x208 or 500x211, 600x280, 960x400, and a lot more, in fact not really a convention there, it should just fit approximately.
3) There are also some technical limitations regarding the frames and the file size that should be considered.
Unfortunately, i do not know about it any more and can only quote directly from the kodi wiki: Point 2.3.1 https://kodi.wiki/view/Artwork_types#Animated_artwork
Quote:Kodi's support for displaying animated artwork is basic, and does have some limitations.
Number one is a hard limit on the number of pixels in a single animated artwork. The size of animated artwork is limited to roughly 12 frames of 1920x1080. This limit is defined as fully decoded pixels. The trend for animated posters is for smaller images with more frames (a recent "animatedposter" is 500x713 with 60 frames). Kodi will discard any remaining frames after it has reached this limit, which will probably hitch unpleasantly, so obeying this limit is important.
Technically this limit is 11 frames but Kodi will decode full frames until it has decoded MORE than this, so the calculation is
1920 × 1080 = 2,073,600 * 11 =
22,809,600 pixels plus one more frame
Number two is that Kodi doesn't save animated artwork to the texture cache and will not play them (only displaying the first frame) unless they are stored on a client-local file system.
On my side often GIF's working wich are sometimes larger or have more frames, i do not know of more conventions about it.
In any case, you should keep the number of frames and the file size (with regard to quality) low.

In wich case a animated a fanart will be put into the KyraDB collection?
All mentioned the point above, if it works in kodi (frames limitation, file size no too big), and it has also a minimum of quality (not too low resolution)
But in the end this is up to @rschiks decision.

In what different ways can i finally use animated fanart?
I explain that in the following section...

Network limitation warning for all following explanations:
Kodi doesn't save animated artwork to the texture cache and will not play them (only displaying the first frame) unless they are stored on a client-local file system.
In other words animated artwork do not work across networks. The image must be local to the Kodi installation or on a local drive Kodi accessing directly.


Special Case as Animated Extrafanart:
(This is not working only for Movies, also for TvShows, for MovieSets only with the "(ArtworkBeef) extrafanart as artworktype system" cause there can't exist a extrafanart folder, but needs to be integrated manual.)

Both common systems,
the (in my option old) extrafanart folder system -> Point 2.1 https://kodi.wiki/view/Artwork_types#extrafanart_Folder
or the newer, smoother extrafanart as artworktype system -> Point 1.8 https://kodi.wiki/view/Artwork_types#fanart.23
...is functional, kodi (and ArtworkBeef on extrafanart as artworktype system) doesn't care the file extension, you can also make a extension mixup (.jpg, .gif. .png)
But the same rules like main fanart apply to the frames and file size limitations that's working well.

Note limitations over network
Main Animated Fanart:

If your Skin has no real animated fanart support, this is working on every skin:
(This is not working only for Movies, just working really everywhere, Sets, TvShows, Seasons, Episodes...)

You can display animated stuff (poster/fanart) in every skin without any skin support with just replacing the artwork the manual way, but only one by one.
Go to your movie entry (it' working for all either, sets, tvshows,seasons,episodes...)
-> open dialogvideoinfo by open context menu with a long push
-> informations (this is the dialogvideoinfo)
-> choose graphics
-> poster or fanart (or whatever artwork type)
-> enter
-> search...
-> and then search and choose the art you have storaged it on your drive.
You can to this with every artwork type, not only poster or fanart! But in this solution you are only replacing the former standard artwork type with your GIF artwork.

Network limitation warning
If you share your DB via network you have to place and choose the artwork separate on this machine running.

If your Skin has real animated fanart support:

But the following is a real implementation solution where skin support needed,
where the animatedposter/animatedfanart are standalone working with not replacing the standard artwork:

There are two ways that also can used combined, but first of all your skin have to support animated poster/fanart at all.
Whether your skin supports this you have to inform yourself in the Skin related forum thread, and also get support there.
Unfortunately, if your skin does not support it, you were unlucky, and everything that I write following has no relevance.

1st way - automatic webservice download - standard:
(This is only working for Movies)

Network limitation warning:
If you share your DB via network this would still work,
but all the SkinHelper and metadataautils stuff including the animatedgifs folder with content must also be there on the machine running.

If your Skin support it, the skin is running SkinHelperService (a Helper Script Addon) as dependency.
SkinHelperService is a own addon but consists also of several "sub-addons" aka "sub-moduls". Do not worry, it's all in one install and everything is automatically installed with the skin.
The only module that interests us here is the "script.module.metadatautils" wich does the job.
In windows go to the path -> C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\script.module.metadatautils\animatedgifs
If you use a other OS you have to find out the path yourself.
Then if you are connected to web and browse your movie library, then this folder would now filled with autodownload from webservice with tons of GIF files you should also see all of them in kodi (if activated, most with a toggle button)

There is also a context menu button "SELECT ANIMATED ART" where you see if more animated backdrops are available on the selected movie and can change them, or also unset the animated art.
For some reason this isn't functional on my side anymore, maybe cause i think it's of a bad side effect when using the second way combined.

Unfortunately, you can not use the second way without the first one running automatically in background. Either only the first, or the first and the second, but not the second alone.
Unfortunately, i have not yet found a way to disable the automatic webservice download function without disable the function/displaying of animated stuff.

Nothing to care about more.
Still functional when DB shared over network when the same SkinHelper and metadataautils stuff including the animatedgifs folder with content is also be there on the machine running.
The webservice DB (of SkinHelperService) isn't updated since long time ago. Most new and remastered stuff the last 2-3 years isn't there.
No control on wich movies animatedposter/animatedfanart are auto downloaded, it is loading all! (Unfortunately you also cannot prevent this with second way)
And also no control wich backdrop will be downloaded if more than 1 available to choose - in often cases the ugly ones. (This you can override with the second way)

2nd way - use as artwork type - advanced:
(This is not working only for Movies, it's working everywhere, Sets, TvShows, Seasons, Episodes... but only as far coded in skin)

Network limitation warning
If you share your DB via network this is not functional at all on the machine running.

Look 2.3: https://kodi.wiki/view/Artwork_types
1st) Copy/paste, and name animated files in your movie folders all the manual way:
(I didn't know if TinyMediaManager or other MediaManager already implemented a autodownload/naming function via KyraDB API, i know nothing about it)
If you are already using local artwork, just place the .gif files the same way like your other artwork types are placed. 
For example when your movies are in folders and your clearlogo is simple called clearlogo.png, then use for poster animatedposter.gif and for fanart animatedfanart.gif. -> without moviefilename prefix.
If your movies are in folders and your clearlogo is called Moviefilename-clealogo.png, then use for poster Moviefilename-animatedposter.gif and for fanart Moviefilename-animatedfanart.gif. -> with moviefilename prefix.
If in folders, both is supported and possible, but choose and make all the same, not a convention mixup.
(If your movies are not in folders, all stuff is in same directory you are forced to use the -> with moviename prefix)
2nd) Process the items in your library to make in visible in kodi:
For Kodi18 there are two possible ways: either modify the advancedsettings.xml look here https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=337089, or use ArtworkBeef.
For Kod17 there is only the ArtworkBeef way
ArtworkBeef: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=258886
Install the rmrector Repo and from that install ArtworkBeef (you get addon updates), or install ArtworkBeef directly from zip (have to update manual)
Go to Addons -> ArtworkBeef -> (push long) -> Settings -> Movies -> ADDITIONAL ARTTYPES FOR MOVIES (COMMA SEPERATED) -> type in ANIMATEDPOSTER, ANIMATEDFANART (or only one of them if only want them under your manual control) -> OK.
Then go directly into the Addon functions (not the settings) -> ArtworkBeef -> (push short) -> add missing art for... -> all videos (new, old and all between) -> now all stuff get processed into kodi libary. (This will maybe take some minutes)
You can repeat that again and again when you add new stuff manual, if you want to add single items one by one without a whole process you can also do that by:
Go to the movie -> Press long to Context Menu -> Manage... -> AB: ADD MISSING ARTWORK

When you want to use also animated stuff for Movie Sets, you have to do the same steps: placing/naming files same as your other Collection artwork, and in ArtwworkBeef -> ADDITIONAL ARTTYPES FOR MOVIE SETS (COMMA SEPERATED)
(I really don't know if it's coded in every skin supporting animated stuff also does the job for Movie Sets, but it's working fine on Aeon MQ Skins)

Manual control of your animated stuff you want.
Overrides the random ones from way 1.
Storaged for future nearby movie, no loss.
Not functional at all when DB shared over network.

Little download/paste/copy renaming work (until Media Managers or Kodi Addons will implement automation of the @rschiks KyraDB API)
May the function of the context menu button "SELECT ANIMATED ART" get broken.

Although when a skin is supported it, it's on some skins working better and on some less.
For example on my skin animatedposter works perfect, but animatedfanart (as main fanart, not extra fanart) is buggy/glitchy, not really functional.
When animated stuff activated, don't use wall views or views where much poster visible on same time, also do not scroll too fast,
it's too much for Kodi it will crash no matter how strong your machine is.

Note Also:
Unlike all other artwork, GIFs have no caching! No matter which way to use i described!
Kodi will always access the file directly and you will therefore have a noticeable impact on Kodi's performance.

Once again:
This will not work when your DB shared over network!
Kodi does not save GIFs to the texture cache and will not play them (only displaying the first frame) unless they are stored on a client-local file system.
The image must be local to the Kodi installation or on a local drive Kodi accessing directly.


Please visit KyraDB -> https://www.kyradb.com

RE: Animated Movie Posters - chrissix666 - 2019-06-29

Sometimes also use for TvShows
Doctor Who (2005)


RE: Animated Movie Posters - chrissix666 - 2019-06-29


Animated Movie Fanarts/Landscapes - chrissix666 - 2019-06-29

I never understood why it is "a kind of convention" that all animatedfanart gif are in ultrawidescreen and not in the normal widescreen.
I do not know a single skin coded fanart in untrawidescreen, it is there always normal widescreen, 16:9, 1920x1080.
That means in the skin are always top and bottom a ugly cut-off (black fallback background).
Thats could be still alright, but if using the skin fanart also with Ken-Burns effect (like me always), it looks really like shit - unusable.

On my skin animatedfanart does not work properly as main fanart, but it works great on extrafanart multiimage.

Therefore, I now share here all the GIF that I use seldom as extrafanart multiimage, but all in 16:9.
Note: Some GIF's posted below are maybe too big in file size or has too many frames to be functional on your side.

RE: Animated Movie Fanarts/Landscapes - chrissix666 - 2019-06-29

Atomic Blonde (2017)

RE: Animated Movie Fanarts/Landscapes - chrissix666 - 2019-06-29

Blade Runner (1982)

RE: Animated Movie Fanarts/Landscapes - chrissix666 - 2019-06-29

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

RE: Animated Movie Fanarts/Landscapes - chrissix666 - 2019-06-29

All Matrix Movies

RE: Animated Movie Fanarts/Landscapes - chrissix666 - 2019-06-30

The Matrix (1999)

RE: Animated Movie Fanarts/Landscapes - chrissix666 - 2019-06-30

Dunkirk (2017)
(Very poor quality, but since the movie is set in World War II, it has a flair of archive footage,
as i said, i use it as extrafanart in sideshow way and not as main fanart and therefore see only snippets of animations every few seconds mixed with .jpg's fanart and not permanently)

RE: Animated Movie Fanarts/Landscapes - chrissix666 - 2019-06-30

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)

RE: Animated Movie Fanarts/Landscapes - chrissix666 - 2019-06-30

Deadpool (2016) or Deadpool 2 (2018)

RE: Animated Movie Fanarts/Landscapes - chrissix666 - 2019-06-30

Total Recall (1990)

RE: Animated Movie Fanarts/Landscapes - chrissix666 - 2019-06-30

Ghost in the Shell (Anime) Movies:

RE: Animated Movie Fanarts/Landscapes - mouflo - 2019-06-30

Congratulations for the work of explanation ultra complete!