Can somebody explain linkstations to a newbie?
I know this is probably in the wrong forum and my apologize, but hopefully somebody using a mac and xbmc on an atv2 can help a guy out.

I want to get a new HD to store my stuff on and from what I understand I should buy something called a linkstation or something like it, what I don't understand is do I plug that directly into the atv or through my router? I got a buffalo router that says it's a media server as well so I'm a bit lost.

I see buffalo link stations for like $200 at my local stores but the staff are useless and have no idea what I'm talking about.
the linkstation is NAS the top of the line one has 4tb space I belive. You could go that route, or just get an external enclosure and hard drive, and plug it in to your computer, I am not sure if going straight into the ATV2 will work.
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What Buffalo router have u got. If it has media server in, its probably like mineamd means u cannoct USB hard drive and use it as a NAS and bit torrent downloader. Have a look in the configuration pages for router. If you have tab marked nas your golden
That's what I was thinking as well but I went out and bought a linkstation anyway, like the idea of keeping my time machine backup hd and media hd seperate.

It's probably because I have to work with Japanese firmware (I live in Japan) but these things aren't as easy to setup as I thought. Thing didn'T even come with a sub cable to connect the thing. I'm adding files through the web accesss and it's taking a long time.

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Can somebody explain linkstations to a newbie?0