[AppleTV2] Crashing while trying to play

Ive actually been having alot of problems for about a month now.

I couldnt be bothered fixing it at the time but now I can.

I was running 4.2.1 and it started crashing on playback for no reason.

I thought updating it would fix, so I updated to 4.3.3, re-jb with seasonpass, everything is sweet as.

Install XBMC via the nitoTV auto-install menu just like i did last time (not the manual install).

And its still crashing when I try to playback any video via SMB on my PC, no matter the format.

I have tried changing the hosts file to not auto update etc, still no luck.

Anyone else have a fix or any ideas? I have 2 ATV2's doing this.
Does nito tv install the nightlies? If not that is more than likely the cause for issues now. The official release of XBMC for ios devices does not really work with the latest version of ios. It has been fixed in the nightly releases, and since you have upgraded, you will need to now change over to the nightlies.

There are some directions in this post: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=101833

In the future you probably should check on the forums before upgrading the ios version to make sure there are no issues.

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[AppleTV2] Crashing while trying to play0