How to find out which Build has which DB Version?
Hey guys,

Trying to get things running with nightlies of Windows and ATV2 XBMC but I'm running in DB version conflicts.

My Windows is idVersion = 52 and the ATV build I had from about a week or 2 ago is 51 so they're not jiving...

I know there's the mysql_proxy solutions, but I was wondering if there's any way to find out when DB changes happen on the ATV2 branch to be able to keep in the loop on them?

I've sifted through the github xbmc repo and it looks like 52 was added to the main branch around April 30th, but I know my ATV2 build is newer than that and it's only 51.

I'd rather not go with stable on both to get db 42 on each (I think it's 42) so is there anyone who can provide some info on the dbversion history in the builds and where I can get recent compatible windows/atv2 builds?
Some of the builds Memphiz have been posting I think have the 52 I'm looking for, I only know that because he posted the github location for the branch.

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In that branch under /xbmc/video in VideoDatabase.h you'll see:

virtual int GetMinVersion() const { return 52; };

Which tells me that build is 52. So that's good, only this is I wonder if that's an okay build to run with... We'll see I guess! Smile
So the June 7th ATV2 nightly did have the DB version update to 52, set that up with the nightly win32 from the same date and DB versions are both 52 and working!

Now on to figuring out why fanart and thumbnails are so buggy in loading and switching over the network (wired) on the atv2...
Dak0ta Wrote:Some of the builds Memphiz have been posting I think have the 52 I'm looking for, I only know that because he posted the github location for the branch.

This post:
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In that branch under /xbmc/video in VideoDatabase.h you'll see:

virtual int GetMinVersion() const { return 52; };

Which tells me that build is 52. So that's good, only this is I wonder if that's an okay build to run with... We'll see I guess! Smile

You can do that on the 'master' branch of XBMC too, which is what I build from:

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How to find out which Build has which DB Version?0