Stacked Movies Not Resuming
Quick question... How do I enabled the resume feature for Stacked Movies?
Watching LOTR Extended and when I stop on either Disk 1 or Disk 2 I do not have a resume option like I do for my non-stacked files...

Suggestions? Thanks. Smile
i think that the resume function must be enabled
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Hmm... but my other movies resume... I'll check to make sure...
you're right, this is an annoyance. I have a 7-part dvd box sitting in my library and no resume function either on that one. It would be nice that the system remembers for earch "part" where you were. I recently developed the resume function for external dvds so I think I can look into the stacked movie.
Behaviour reported in the trac system and patch has been created:

If you can build your own xbmc, feel free to try. Or wait until the devs pick it up ;-)
ahh awesome... Thanks. I guess I don't want to change the topic, but one more...

I have two stacked movies:


When I watach Amadeus xbmc will automatically go to the next disk...
When I watch the Fellowship, I have to chose which disk to start from...

Any thoughts on why?

The only difference between the two in the library is the Fellowship is in a collection. (Lord of the Rings, naturally)


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