Unbearably slow buffering from network folders (not as clear cut as it sounds)
I've been all over the net looking for a sollution to this, I've found many posts from people experiancing the same thing but no sollutions yet.

I've been using XBMC for over a year and it's been flawless but recently I've been having this problem. First some background:

XBMC is installed on my HTPC (win7) and all of my media files reside on a different PC (win7) which is connected via ethernet cable through a router.

Recently I formatted the system with my media. After formatting I reshared all of my folders. Because the folder names never changed I didn't need to do anything with my HTPC.

However ever since that day all files under the MOVIES tab in XBMC (Backrow skin) take 30-45 seconds to start playing. this is NOT a network congestion issue I can access the files immediatly if I use library mode, I can access the files instantly if I use Windows explorer.

Also this does not effect anything under the TV SHOWS tab.

I totally uninstalled XBMC (profile and all) I re-added my folders and re-scanned my files and I am STILL having this issue.

What else can I try?

1st: Post a Debug Log
2nd:Wired or Wireless
3rd:How Many Systems are accessing your "Media Server" at a given Time.
4th:If you are downloading a lot if things (3 torrents or more) that may tie up the bandwidth.
1) The log will have to wait till I get home.

2) Wired

3&4) I have already confirmed that it is not a bandwidth issue. the issue only happens under very specific circumstances. the exact same files can be accessed instantly in Library mode or in Windows Explorer.

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Unbearably slow buffering from network folders (not as clear cut as it sounds)0