Can't update nVidia drivers on XBMC Live Install

I am running a Live install of XBMC off my Acer Aspire Revo which has an nVidia ION chip. I recently updated xbmc and after it rebooted, the screen goes dark and in the middle is a single dialogue box that says something like XBMC requires a GPU to run. I googled this and found that it means I need to install/update nVidia drivers.

No problem.

I tried SSHing into the box and running

sudo nvidia-installer --update
or something like that.

It started a simple GUI where it downloaded the drivers but it fails when installing because it says I can't be in an X (windows) environment when updating.

I tried all sorts of things like "init 3" and "init 1" and even booting into a recovery mode from the boot menu. No luck.

I've also tried installing wget, grabbing the file manually, and running it from a shell. Same error.

Any help?
I posted a half decent how to and also have the drivers on ppa

you will need also libvdpau-dev and libvdpau1 (also on ppa) in addition to all the rest.

heres a link

you should know how to add a ppa and use it, if not google how to.
Thanks for your help X3lectric. I am not versed in linux at all so forgive me but I tried:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libvdpau-dev
and got a 404.

I was able to download the drivers per your instructions but was not able to follow the next steps, starting with shutting down XBMC

xbmc@ubuntu:/usr/src$ sudo stop-xbmc-live
sudo: stop-xbmc-live: command not found
xbmc@ubuntu:/usr/src$ sudo chown +x
chown: invalid user: `+x'

Oops made a mistake. I did chmod and started the install process.

IT WORKED! I have tried everything for the last two days and nothing worked but your solution. I didn't even do all of it. I just downloaded your drivers and ran them. I tried other driver packages as well and none of them worked but yours. THANK YOU!

sorry chmod +x not chown

and its sudo stop xbmc-live not as the typo hyphen was n wrong place

oopsy, I need some sleep.

corrected guide
sygyzy_nbr Wrote:IT WORKED! I have tried everything for the last two days and nothing worked but your solution. I didn't even do all of it. I just downloaded your drivers and ran them. I tried other driver packages as well and none of them worked but yours. THANK YOU!
Your welcome...

about the vdpau its
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-iquik/nvidia-vpau
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libvdpau-dev libvdpau1


should be golden.
you can now upgarde both vdpu and video drivers form that ppa, a new batch just been cooked.
Great, will try this when I get home. Thanks for updating the thread!
Since I use those ppas to fix bugs and problems, I try to keep them updated as best as possible.

may as well have people who appreciate the work use them.

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Can't update nVidia drivers on XBMC Live Install0