XBMC Volume support with AV recivers (passthrough)

have been using XBMC for a long time and have a huge problem - when using XBMC with AV reciver connected using HDMI and set audio to passthrugh , i cant conrol the volume besides mute Sad

What can i do ?
Disable passthrough.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xbmc_%`.* TO 'xbmc'@'%';
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but i wont have sound Sad when i see a blueray\HD with DTS or trueHD i wont hear anything my streamer has only HDMI output or earphones jack
Can i at least make a custome buttons for Vol+ or - in my XBMC remote running on IPAD, do u know hjow to do it?
Nope. Pass through is just that. It PASSES THROUGH the bits, directly. You can't alter them in anyway. Otherwise, it wouldn't be pass through.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xbmc_%`.* TO 'xbmc'@'%';
IF you have a mysql problem, find one of the 4 dozen threads already open.
So what can I do in this case? How can I contorol the volume of the recivrer?
With the Receiver Remote Control?
john.cord Wrote:With the Receiver Remote Control?

Or the remote/panel for whatever device you've connected your SPDIF/Optical cable to.
Didn't understand sorry for the newbie Sad give me commands ... What todo??
Both on xbmc and iPad/iPhone remotes I'm using xbmc commander
You can't set the volume for passthrough audio in XBMC or via any xbmc remote, because by then it wouldn't be passthrough.

Passthrough means it sends the audio bits digitally across an SPDIF or Optical cable to your receiver un altered (ie no volume adjustments).

You have to change the volume using your receiver (the device you plug your speakers and the coaxial or optical SPDIF cable into) or it's remote.
tx for the help - are there any available workaround ? how can i hear DTS sound and without passthrough? and by that to control the vol from XBMC ?

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XBMC Volume support with AV recivers (passthrough)0