Movies in folders
Just got myself XMBC on my Apple TV 2 streaming from my NAs. All good and I am very impressed, but I am preaching to converted.

I have a quick question. Is there any benefit of having each of my movie files in its own folder on the NAS? I have seen it is a way of organising but I am unclear of the benefits?

Any light shed on the subject would be much appreciated.

If you are referring to the following folder layout:

NAS/Movies/Title (YEAR)/Title (Year).mkv
NAS/Movies/Title2 (YEAR)/Title2 (Year).mkv

VS this layout:

NAS/Movies/Title (Year).mkv
NAS/Movies/Title2 (Year).mkv

Then the benefit would be that you can take advantage of using extra fanart. There are a few other threads on this if you search the forum. I know that I had one not long ago.

Thanks for that. I did have a quick search but couldn't see anything. Thank you for your time.

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