XBMC / GPU load
Hi everyone...

I was just wondering....
How can I check my gpu load while xbmc is playing a video seeing as how XBMC takes up the whole screen?

Thanks for your help
press letter (o) on keyboard, its should be acpu values. top of screen cant miss all info.
X3lectric Wrote:press letter (o) on keyboard, its should be acpu values. top of screen cant miss all info.

Nothing happens when I press o.
any other suggestions Smile

Here is another question for you...

I have an amd Black Phenom II x2 and an Asus Mini-ATX MotherBoard with onboard Radeon HD4250. I heard on the ubuntu forums somewhere that XBMC doesn't use the GPU when its ATI only Nvidia.....Is this true?

Thanks for your help Big Grin
not true. never was true. it used to be true about video decoding, but it was NEVER true about rendering.

we don't have any gpu load info. it's impossible to do across cards and systems in any meaningful way.
spiff Wrote:not true. never was true. it used to be true about video decoding, but it was NEVER true about rendering.

we don't have any gpu load info. it's impossible to do across cards and systems in any meaningful way.

I Totally understand and I think you guys have done an amazing job in spite of that. I had a wdtv and when I saw XBMC I HAD to have it. Big Grin

I seem to be having issues with my 1080p. its grainy and doesnt look good but my 720p looks great. Its odd. I'm just trying to figure out a way to tell if my gpu is working with the video or not. and if not how to make it.

Thanks for your help Smile
follow one of the guides for ATI/Vaapi on this forum.
wsnipex Wrote:follow one of the guides for ATI/Vaapi on this forum.

Will do......Thanks Big Grin

Hey is there anyway to open XBMC in a small window instead of having it open in fullscreen all the time. (I'd like to watch sensors while its running)

Thanks again,
Levitys Big Grin
ssh is best to monitor stuff, logi issue commands and get info you need.
X3lectric Wrote:press letter (o) on keyboard, its should be acpu values. top of screen cant miss all info.

X3lectric Wrote:ssh is best to monitor stuff, logi issue commands and get info you need.
Meaningless advice. He is asking about GPU load.

CodecInfo nor ssh (what do you mean by this anyway? ssh is just a protocol to get a remote shell, X session or tunnel) will give useful advice.
hers meaningfull advice http://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-perfkit
cause the other link while meaningfull doesn answer the Q... this does


Rather more informative than get pitch forks out and lets have a witch hunt.

I'm afraid none of this helps. Thanks for the response though Smile
I have an ATI Radeon HD 4250 thats integrated into my motherboard.
All I really want to do is check my gpu load while XBMC is running.
This is easily done with lets say vlc and conky because vlc doesn't take up the whole screen. I suppose I could ssh into the htpc and run from the command line but isn't there a simpler solution?

Isn't there a way to launch XBMC into a minimized window?
Instead of it taking the full screen automatically that way I can view conky?
even if i could somehow get a terminal over XBMC that would work...

Thanks again,
uhm, hit \. you have your windowed mode...
Thanks Spiff,
Ill give it a go asap. Big Grin
I found out that in this process that ION gpu's cant be monitored for anything other than ram usage and temperature, period.


that produces jack sod all. perhaps nvclock (has to be installed compiled) but I dont think so., I thought I would just chime in case other than ATI users come up to this topic.

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