Updating iso / nightly

Since im rather new to all of this JB stuff, i have a simple question regarding updating both xbmc and ios.

Is XMBC deleted when I update ios? and what about when updating xbmc it self.

if it is, whats the best way to backup the moive db, plugin, settings ect.
Updating iOS will delete XBMC. Don't do this because you don't know how long it might take for a new jailbreak to come out that will let you reinstall XBMC.

To update XBMC: Install XBMC on ATV2 or Install XBMC on iPhone/iPad.

To backup get Cyberduck or Filezilla, use SFTP (not FTP), username:mobile, password:alpine and navigate to


and save the XBMC/ folder
Glacier Wrote:Hi

Since im rather new to all of this JB stuff, i have a simple question regarding updating both xbmc and ios.

Is XBMC deleted when I update ios? and what about when updating xbmc it self.

if it is, whats the best way to backup the moive db, plugin, settings ect.

No need to update your iOS version unless there's a specific feature you want in the version you're upgrading to.

If you decide you want the latest iOS build (i.e. 8F455) it can be jailbroken fine but there's a couple fairly minor issues at the moment. More info here.
Ned Scott Wrote:To backup get Cyberduck (if you have Mac) or Filezilla (if you have Windows

Hi Ned, this is a little off topic but you peeked my interest with the SFTP client recomendations. Both are available on both platforms so do you recommend each for specific reasons?
Image Don't even think about my mother!
Stiffler Wrote:Hi Ned, this is a little off topic but you peeked my interest with the SFTP client recomendations. Both are available on both platforms so do you recommend each for specific reasons?

Actually I just read tonight (or was it last night..) that Cyberduck was cross platform! I don't know how I missed that before, having used it for years. And now I hear from you that Filezilla is also cross platform! I guess I just assumed Cyberduck was Mac only, and I had heard from other Windows users that they had used a program called Filezilla and assumed it was only for Windows.

So really it's just been out of plain 'ol ignorance, but the upside is I get a new file transfer program to play with!

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