Music scraper not working
I have the music settings to update library on startup, however each time XBMC starts up it scans all of the albums from the file (smb). This process takes about 5 minutes and results in the same albums and songs being added all over again. It also does not get any specific information from the scraper.

The tv show and movie scrapers work fine and are also set to update upon startup without any issues.

How do I fix this and get it to download information from the web?
You need to go into the album and artist list and use the context menu (press and hold menu) to get information on all. It will then scrape artist and album information for the items in the library
Does music now work on atv?
g-off - it worked. thanks! i didn't know i had to get info for a particular artist in order to to scraping.

paul elder - music works with the atv if you change the music player to the dvd player as the default. instructions here
hybridsole Wrote:paul elder - music works with the atv if you change the music player to the dvd player as the default. instructions here

not needed in the latest nightlys anymore ...

and before this comes up next - as stated in the known issues thread - yep it stutters when starting the music ... and going to fullscreen should stop the stuttering ...
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)

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Music scraper not working0