Multiple ticker feeds
would be nice to be able to define multiple rss feeds which then get used by the skin defined in the config xml (rather than in the skin xml which i always forget to backup :d)

being able to add different types of "feeds" to the list would be very handy as well, for example:

Quote:<ticker update="60">
<feed type="rss" src="" headlinestoshow="5" />
<feed type="weather" daystoshow="3" citiestoshow="asx0023,asx0012" />
<feed type="newmovies" numbertoshow="5" />
<feed type="newmusic" numbertoshow="5" />

... then the skin would use whatever ticker stream was produced by xmbc and run it across the screen.

they are several request for this from many users.

hopefully the entire rss feed system will be revamped to allow for multiple feeds that are defined in a central xml file.
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.

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