Weird network problem.
hiya guys.

i have the latest build of xbmc on, and heres my problem.

i have a icybox with a 80gb hdd in there connected to the usb2 port on my pc, its shared and i can see it from the exbox, but when i click on it to look for my movies on there the xbox sees nothing, the drives fine via pc and other pcs on the network can see the drive and files on it, just the xbox that cannot see the files and folders on there.

any ideas?
i take it noone else has had this problem then of seeing files on a networked external hdd ?
99.9999% chance it is a permissions issue, or you didn't setup your xml file correctly.
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cant see it being a permissions problem as other computers on the network can see the drive and its contents. i usually get a permission denied when trying to access a drive with permission restrictions on it from xbmc.

also, i can see other shared drives and files from the computer that the usb is connected to.

just really cant see where my problem lays here, wich is why im so confused to the as where im going to find the solution. Sad
are you getting the nt_object_not_found error box? (i think thats the message.)

i get that error sometimes when i enter a directory on a samba share on my linux server. it's wierd. my pc has no problem reading and writing from that share, but xbmc will give me an error. then if i change the file perms to 777, xbmc has no problem.

it typically happens if i do "maintainance" on my media folders from my pc. in particular when create new folder and move some media files between them. i assume its got something to do with my default perms, but i've never taken the time to properly correct it.
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