My library doesn't update automatically, also it doesn't list everything in he folder. If I goto files I can find the program I'm looking for but not in the library
We might need a bit more information to get you help but I will take a stab at a few things.
XBMC does not have an auto update library feature. Actually it doesn't really have a manual update button either.
In your settings, do you have update on startup enabled? Check this setting then shutdown xbmc and restart xbmc (the program not your computer).

If this doesn't work we need to know how you have your media files organized on your Hard drives and how they are named.
My first HTPC build
My UnRaid Server
Kingston rebates and ASUS warranties are WORTHLESS FRAUDS
OK the update at start up worked fine.

But the library still is not seeing all of my films, I have just removed the films library, then re added it. for example Fast And Furious 5 Rio Heist 2011 PPVRIP XViD WBZ is in my servers film directory, but it will not show up in the XBMC library
Probably because that isn't the film name. Try naming the films correctly and in most cases they will scrape correctly.
Also check whether "use folder names for lookups" is enabled in the source's content settings.

If that is enabled, it actually doesn't matter how the actual video files are named, as long as the name of the movie is in the folder name.
My library was doing the same thing. I had 320 movies in the folder but XBMC only reported 317. The 3 movies all had a hyphen in their name. So as I removed the hyphen from the filename XBMC scanner found it and added it to the library. Look for special characters in your filenames. Remove then and see if that helps... It did for me.

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