Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
HP HDX Remote doesn't work in Win 7
Hi, I have a problem with a remote I just got from ebay, this one.
When I connect it to USB, it doesn't say it's ehome or something... And by that I can't use it on WMC or XBMC, or any other sw.

What can I do to control xbmc with this remote?

The receiver looks like a standard HP receiver so it should be using the eHome driver. My guess is that the receiver is broken. Have you got any other PCs or laptops you could test it on? Does the red light flash when you press a button?

jhsrennie Wrote:The receiver looks like a standard HP receiver so it should be using the eHome driver. My guess is that the receiver is broken. Have you got any other PCs or laptops you could test it on? Does the red light flash when you press a button?


yeah, I gave it to my brother to test it, and it didn't show up as eHome...
The red light is showing up, that is confusing me, why is it receiving, and then nothing is showing up in windows... weird Huh

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HP HDX Remote doesn't work in Win 70