Ignore Video Flags In File Names When Scraping (BluRay),(DVD)...
I have recently been flagging my movies with source tags (bluray,dvd,hd-dvd) and found when scraping for movie info i need to manually change the file name every time. ex : Citizen Kane ( BluRay ).mkv / Citizen Kane

Is it possible for xbmc to ignore these flags when scraping, like it does with file extensions.
I name my movies "moviename.DVDRip.mkv" or "moviename.BDRip.mkv" and have no problems when scraping info. If you're using brackets with spaces as your'e example that could be your problem.

Edit BTW all movies are in their own subfolders which are the movie name e.g. /Videos/moviename/moviename.BDRip.mkv
Noli illegitimi carborundum

Thanks Mudislander i removed the brackets and named the file like you show, and it worked great.

And if your curious it also worked outside of subfolders /HDMovies/Citizen Kane.Bluray.MKV
Now i just need to get busy renaming all of my files. Thanks Again.

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Ignore Video Flags In File Names When Scraping (BluRay),(DVD)...0