[LINUX]Video Playback failing on all formats
Hey everybody, ive just come back around too using xbmc after having a windows based home entertainment suite, so a little rusty at this ...

Anyway I'm running Ubuntu 11.10 (i686)
Im using the version of XBMC from "http://ppa.launchpad.net/nathan-renniewaldock/xbmc-stable/ubuntu"


from what i can tell the log is basically saying that i don't have ffmpeg codecs installed but i have looked ( and i might be completely wrong here ) aren't they included in the gstreamer plugin ...

Thanks for any assistance people can offer :-)
might be that this ppa has xbmc compiled with external libraries, which is _not_ the default.

You might want to use the official ppa for natty.
Ok i just tried adding the natty ppa and it failed too find it ... how does one go about adding natty ppa's too oneric ?

also then if its just a simple case of telling it where the external libraries are which file would i be looking for too set that in ?

(also audio plays fine if that makes any difference)
Specy909 Wrote:Ok i just tried adding the natty ppa and it failed too find it ... how does one go about adding natty ppa's too oneric ?

also then if its just a simple case of telling it where the external libraries are which file would i be looking for too set that in ?

(also audio plays fine if that makes any difference)

did u get it working ...please let me know the resolution as well...i am on amd radeon

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[LINUX]Video Playback failing on all formats0