Auto Sort TV Shows Into Folders on Mac?
Can find programs/add-ons to do this only for Windows. Anybody have any solutions for a Mac? Much appreciated if so.
What specifically are you wanting to do? I have an Applescript that automatically puts my EyeTV recordings into folders for XBMC.
All my TV files go into my Television folder. When I used Boxee that was enough, it would parse all the files in that folder, ID them and organise them in the Library. Basically, what XBMC does for movies.

Since XBMC requires all TV shows be in a separate folder per series, I'm surprised nobody has created an Add-On that helps automate the sorting task. It seems quite a few 3rd party programs have been developed for Windows that do this, and most seem to have been developed with XBMC in mind. But there's nothing for Mac.
Sickbeard will do this for you.

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Auto Sort TV Shows Into Folders on Mac?0