Misunderstanding Playlists
Hello, I have a problem or inconvenience with playlists as sources for the Music library. Right now I have XBMC pointed at the shared (via samba windows sharing) music folder and playlists folder (full of .wpl) on a different computer. However every time I select a library playlist it has to load (sometimes a full minute). Is there a playlist format I can save in or convert to where this will not be required? I can't seem to find very much information on how to convert to the XBMC smart playlist. Ideally though (obviously) I'd like to be able to edit the library and playlists of Windows Media player on the remote PC and have XBMC recognize all changes just by doing a library update.

Any help/suggestions are appreciated
- Ryan
XBMC uses .xml files for playlists, not .wpl

I doubt that you could convert a .wpl to a smart playlist but if you want to investigate further check out the wiki for details on playlist formats, or make up some of your own in XBMC and then look at the file generated.
Openelec on ASRock ION 330 / Kodi on Win 7 PC
I will take a look. However wpl is sort of irrelevant. I am more looking for any means through which XBMC will not need to "load" the playlist for an excessively long time in order to play it. XBMC has already loaded the metadata for every audio file into the library file, why would it need to do so again for a playlist?

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