Formatting machine for new xbmc install?
Hey I am currently running XBMC Dharma on a Acer Revo. Running Ubuntu 10.04. I have had a lot of problems lately with it crashing/add ons not working/videos freezing/ etc. Now it wont even load up xbmc. Gets to command promt but the screen keeps flickering ever 2 seconds. I know there may be an easier solution but at this point i'd like to just format the machine and start over. How can I go about formatting the machine? Not familiar with the commands. Any advice? Thanks!
Do you still have your 10.04 disc?

I have 10.04 on a revo, albeit Mythbuntu. I had little luck doing a USB flash drive install, so I would recommend an external CD/DVD drive for installation.

Just boot from the external drive using your 10.04 disc (keep an eye on the acer splash screen for the correct function key for boot selection), and follow the install setup, allowing the new install to take up the entire disk. This will leave you with a nice fresh working install.

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Formatting machine for new xbmc install?0