[LINUX] Eden 3 , ir-keytables not working after resume (device changing)
Hi there,

I had installed Xbmcbuntu with Eden beta 3.
I got the remote working fine, all keys mapped correct. However when I suspend and wake the machine it seems that the remote device changes from ../rc5 to ../rc6 and the remote does no longer work.

Is there fix or implement a workaround for this issue?

My search terms only led me to places which talk about Lirc. However i had Lirc completely removed since the kernel thing was working nicely.
Anybody an idea where to look ?
Tried it again yesterday on a brand new setup. The Remote will not work after wake from suspend. Reboot fixes the problem

ir-keymaps with the relevant table file is called in rc.local

Calling it again after wake does not work. (says device not found)

But I have not found any solutions to the problem

But I have not found any solutions to the problem

Regards Alf Tonny Bätz
I think I saw this problem in my initial testing. I haven't been able to get time to pursue it further yet, maybe late this week. I'll post back when I do.

I too am running Eden B3 Xbmcbuntu. Install is on a i3 MB/GT520.

thanks for your input, but I am not using lirc in my configuration.

However I believe your problem might be discussed in the wiki http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Ubu...d_.2F_Wake

See the section regarding the lirc device increment bug.

This does not seem to work in my case unfortunately.
Thank you for pointing me in the right directions

That actually fixed it for me..

Regards Alf Tonny
I have made some progress.
With the following command i can actually restart ir-keytable without rebooting after resume: sudo ir-keytable -a /etc/rc_maps.cfg -s rc$

rc$ is the remote name in /sys/class/rc
It increases with every wake from suspend

Can anybody point me in some direction how to run this with an increasing number every suspend/wake cycle?

I tried a udev rule but that does not seem to be working (a rule is actually in /lib/udev which I copied to /etc/udev/rules.d but it is not working yet.
The rule I copied: ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="rc", RUN+="/usr/bin/ir-keytable -a /etc/rc_maps.cfg -s $name"
For anyone looking for a solution to ir-keytable not properly working after resume from suspend:
i put into my rc.local:
ir-keytable -a /etc/rc_maps.cfg -s `basedir /sys/class/rc/rc*/`
I further edited rc_maps.cfg to call the correct keymap for my device name (maybe no issue for you)

I then put a call to rc.local into a wakeup script under /etc/pm/sleep.d, coupled with a 5 second sleep prior to the rc.local command.

Works fine now
Could you explain a bit about the basedir part of your call?? I can't get it to work and I can't find anything realted via Google?!?

I think I have found a solution to it.

rcname = $(basename /sys/class/rc/rc*)
ir-keytable -a /etc/rc_maps.cfg -s $rcname

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[LINUX] Eden 3 , ir-keytables not working after resume (device changing)0