Video Replay Issues
I've noticed a recent replay issue on some of my HD (M2TS) based files. The audio runs smoothly but there is often a slight stutter in video. Generally it will play smoothly for about 5 to 10 seconds (maybe more, maybe less) and then stutter for a second and then go back to moving smoothly. I'm running an i5-2500k so I don't think this should be a processor issue, I have 8GB RAM and all hard drives are mounted in the box (e.g., not networked or external) and this issue doesn't seem to exist on SD (generally in ISO format) files. Any help would be great.

A lot of content is GPU decoded so the processor argument maybe invalid.

When playing the video press o when playing video and on the seconds line you should see dc: - what does it say after DC. That will tell you if its being hardware decoded or CPU (FF)

also it is customary to post a debug log when you want help with a playback issue. make sure you post the debug log on pastebin then link to it in this thread.

Flirc now has a forum:
Hardware decoding is FF.

Here is a pastebin link to the debug, not sure if I got the right info on it, please let me know if you need to know something else.

You need to enable debug logging from System settings, System, Debugging then restart XBMC and try and play one of the problem videos.

Things to check;

System settings, System, Video ouput - check that "Use a fullscreen window rather than true fullscreen" is disabled.

System settings, Video, playback - try changing the hardware acceleration setting. Intel GPUs can be problematical with acceleration enabled. Eden is better in this respect but still not perfect.

Thanks for the info. Hard acceleration is turned off, turning it on messes things up. I switched the windowed full screen setting and the problem still happens. I turned on the debug logging and posted an updated log: Thanks for the help.

You're getting multiple errors:

INFO: ffmpeg[BE8]: [h264] concealing 6120 DC, 6120 AC, 6120 MV errors
WARNING: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 147101, consumed: 0

It looks as if ffmpeg doesn't like the way the video is encoded.

Does that mean that I would need to re-create the file? Change format from M2TS to something else, or is it a software/hardware fix?
I would try resampling the file with Handbrake or something similar and see if that fixes the playback problem.


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