How will Windows 8 influence XBMC?
I presume a lot of us are following the development of Windows 8, personally I'm excited about the ways it could influence how people use XBMC.

What are your views on it?
XBMC looks the same across all its supported platforms, so I am unsure why you would think a new iteration of an operating system would influence it in any way? I don't think XBMC will adopt a tiled gui anytime soon.

Then again, someone will probably make a skin... Smile
#3 fact, someone already did.
menace Wrote:XBMC looks the same across all its supported platforms, so I am unsure why you would think a new iteration of an operating system would influence it in any way? I don't think XBMC will adopt a tiled gui anytime soon.

Then again, someone will probably make a skin... Smile

I was thinking along the lines of tablets and kinect, also full screen apps could be beneficial (Netflix for example). If anything there will definitely be a spike in interest from tablet users, since windows 8 tablets will be the most accessible we've seen.
I'm not a programmer but XBMC may not run on Arm Win 8 tablets only x86 ones from what's being said.

Windows on Arm has strict requirements via WinRT which means you cant recompile existing Win32 x86 apps to run on it, they have to be written from scratch or re-written to the point where it's almost be a new application. Hopefully that doesn't turn out to be the case or workarounds are developed.
It might inspire more people to run XBMC Live

Ned Scott Wrote:It might inspire more people to run XBMC Live



I'm looking forward to use Win8's Storage Spaces for my media server as opposed to RAID/NAS. I'll incorporate it into my office desktop and load it up with HDDs.

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How will Windows 8 influence XBMC?0