TV on Desi Zone Problem
Hi There,
I am having a problem with TV on Desi Zone. The problem is I keep geeting an error saying "Script Failed:". Is anyone else having this problem? Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Please let me know. Thanks in advanceBig Grin
A debug log might help. Enable debug logging from System settings, System, Debugging, and restart XBMC then wait a minute or two for all the startup tasks to finish. Now try and open the add-on and when you get the error immediately close XBMC.

If you're using Linux/OSX see If you're using Windows open the debug log by pressing Windows-R and in the Run dialog type:


(including the quotes). Click OK and the log should open in Notepad. Copy and paste the log into and post the link it gives you here.

Most likely you are missing folder "script.module.turtle" in your Addon folder. Make sure you install from the zip file
I am having similar problem but I dont get an error but my click to Tv on Desi Zone just refreshes..where do i get the zip file for "script.module.turtle"?

Thanks for the help.
Look at my post (#584) here
there are some other solutions mentioned as well, in case my post doesn't solve your issue. Also,I suggest you to use the existing thread rather than creating a new one Smile better chances of getting help!

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TV on Desi Zone Problem0