Force custom playlist to list folder if metadata not found
Ok so i have a custom home menu made with custom smart playlist,
And each is followed by 5 grouped alphabetical submenus

West Movie
Asian Movie
West serial
Asian serial

Meaning the movies tvshow library and all default menus are all disabled.
The source is periodically with movies and serials

Now the problem is when the scrapper doesn't find the metadata of a movie,
it won't be listed in the menu and that movie is only visible in library.
And this is a problem because library is disabled on my case,

So is there anyway to force smart playlist to redirect to folder instead if the scrapper can't find the movie?
No, a smartplaylist can only operate on information found in the library.
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(2012-07-08, 10:18)jmarshall Wrote: No, a smartplaylist can only operate on information found in the library.

You mean it only operates library information that has metadata right?
Because any movies or serial wont appear on custom playlist unless the scrapper found its metadata
Bump, any changes in frodo regarding this matter?

Does smart playlist still require metadata?

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Force custom playlist to list folder if metadata not found0