Slow shutdown with XBMCbuntu 12.04
I'm successfully running [XBMCbuntu 12.04 alpha release] with pre-Frodo, AudioEngine and XvBA since a few weeks. Everything run fine except one little issue : the shutdown take approximately 2 minutes :


I tried a console shutdown to see the message. But I don't think I can see all the messages with this method. Is there a way to remove the XBMC loading animation ?

xbmc@xbmc:~# sudo shutdown now
[sudo] password for xbmc:

Broadcast message from xbmc@xbmc
            (/dev/console) at 15:55 ...

The system is going down for maintenance NOW!
* Stopping SABnzbd+ binary newsgrabber                                        [ OK ]
* Stopping remote control daemon(s): LIRC                                     [ OK ]
* Disabling power management...                                               [ OK ]
* Stopping CouchPotato                                                        [ OK ]
* Stopping Maraschino                                                         [ OK ]

Stopping Sick Beard
Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service (8)
utility, e. g. service K20smbd stop
initctl: Unknow job: K20smbd

Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an
Upstart job, you may also use the stop(8) utility, e.g. stop K20smbd
* Stopping bittorent daemon transmission-daemon                               [ OK ]
* Asking all remaining processes to terminate...
d: Cannot open '/run/rpcbind/rpcbind.xdr' file for reading, errno 2 (No su
ch file or directory)
rpcbind: Cannot open '/run/rpcbind/portmap.xdr' file for reading, errno 2 (No su
ch file or directory)

Disabling power management takes 10 sec, Sickbeard 10 sec with the service utility advice. 10 sec too for "all remaining processes" with the rpcbind error message in red.

Do you now how I can fix that ? With my previous installation (dharma 10.1) the shutdown was fast.

My hardware :

Gigabyte GA-880GM-UD2H
AMD Athlon™ II X2 265
Kingston ValueRAM DDR3 2 Go PC10600 CAS 9
Asus EN210 SILENT Fanless HDMI
SSD OCZ Agility 3 60Gb (system disk)
2 x Western Digital Caviar Green S-ATA - 2 To
Hauppauge WinTV-Nova TD 500
Sorry but do you know what "Alpha" means? Its not stable and problems like yours can. occure. If you want a stable System use the "STABLE" Build instead.
My XBMC experience :

XBMC Live 10.1 Dharma STABLE : sound working out of the box, used for a year.
XBMCbuntu 11 STABLE : no sound, wtf ?
XBMCbuntu 12.04 pre-Frodo ALPHA : sound and PVR working out the box. For me it's the best XBMC version to date.

Oh yeah I forgot, the shutdown was normal before I installed all my mess (sickbeard, etc).

(2012-07-28, 17:55)ced64k Wrote: Oh yeah I forgot, the shutdown was normal before I installed all my mess (sickbeard, etc).
Enable debugging in XBMC and then do a shutdown. Examine the debug log (wiki) to see if you can identify which processes are hanging up the shutdown process. The log entries contain timestamps, which should help with your investigation.

If the debug log (wiki) doesn't reveal the cause of the shutdown delay, try disabling all the "mess" and see if shutdown returns to a more acceptable amount of time. Then re-enable those add-ons one at a time and see how each affects the shutdown time. Once you identify the main culprit(s), you can focus your attention in those areas.

If you're totally stumped, you can upload your debug log (wiki) to or and then post the URL link to the uploaded log here so we can have a look at it.

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Slow shutdown with XBMCbuntu 12.040