Linux advancedsettings.xml on raspbmc
Hi Guys! Im Daniele from Italy, i really hope you can help me. i hope also this is the right thread. there isnt answer in italian forum. I bought a raspberry and install into a sd card the very very cool...but i want to explorer better this system...and i need to learn more. However ..small steps. Now i have a problem on the graphic option interface on raspbmc because i would to set the audio like this: (GUI Settings)

i know i need to write this file advancedsettings.xml (i think i need only to open the path with filezilla right?)

did you have a file already written?
I haven't included AE. Big bugs with it and Pi at the moment
Thanks Sam.Nazarko.!

So is possible put the xml or the system not support it? i try to install WinSCP (i think is like Filezilla) write the ip of raspbmc but request me a password and i dont know.

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advancedsettings.xml on raspbmc0