No fan art or thumbs retrieved when scraping using
Same here.... I switched back to TMdb scraper to test out... and getting now fanart but no thumbs...

olympia got a PM from me.

Must just need another little tweak.... cheers for the efforts... Big Grin
tmdb scraper and all the others which use tmdb for thumbs are atm use only English tagged images from tmdb if language is set to English in the scrapers. I know it's a change and the scrapers were falling back to untagged images before. I will work out a solution quickly. Till then (and also after) it's time for you guys to improve language tagging on tmdb.
(2012-08-11, 09:42)olympia Wrote: tmdb scraper and all the others which use tmdb for thumbs are atm use only English tagged images from tmdb if language is set to English in the scrapers. I know it's a change and the scrapers were falling back to untagged images before. I will work out a solution quickly. Till then (and also after) it's time for you guys to improve language tagging on tmdb.

Most of the images don't have any text, and thus would be "all" languages? I guess I'll have to finally make a log in for TMDB (or did I have one?) and see what the options are.
Fanart issue resolved, I was talking about the poster (which obviously have text:p) problem above.
Aaah, gotcha.

and now to tag!
Hope this gets fixed soon. Olympia could you notify us when the issue with scraping the movie posters gets resolved ? Thanks
Looks like it got fixed.... turned on my system TMDB scraper did an update.
And it seems it got fixed....

Thank you.

HUGs Smile
Deleting the Textures13.db file was the fix for me. Apparently it won't scrape art that it has in the cache DB (even if you delete the Thumbnails folder, if it's in the cache, it won't get the art)

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No fan art or thumbs retrieved when scraping using themoviedb.org0