Win MPC-hc, madvr as external player - problems
Im using mpc-hc + mdvr as external player
when i press ctrl+J

i see this

Dropped frames : 105
Deinterlacing off (says bitstream)
Display 24,00023 hz
Movie 23.976 fps (says source filter)
fullscreen windowed mode

Now and then i see litte disturbances (sometimes lines) in the screen... not very annoying but its there...

Shouldnt deinterlacing be on?
Deinterlacing should be on only for interlaced material. What is lacking in your post is some info on the material being played back.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
(2012-09-13, 12:23)ashlar Wrote: Deinterlacing should be on only for interlaced material. What is lacking in your post is some info on the material being played back.

Its with all my movies, blurays and mkv
Is that as close as you can get your display to 23.976?
(2012-09-13, 17:02)clubwerks Wrote: Is that as close as you can get your display to 23.976?

Im not sure.. It says "just scan"
Display is lg pk950

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MPC-hc, madvr as external player - problems0